Show r FUNERALS Funeral services for serice held Wednesday Wednes Wednes- will be hed da day at r 2 P w. w at nt wi the Bountiful Final Cannon of off or- or ward chapel Quay QuaYle Quale e The will be br open at atthe lt f elating wl the family family- residence Tuesday and Wednesday Wed Wed- until 12 noon and at It the eh a DC in neda Bountiful 1 from 1 until 3 2 P. P m. m Interment Interment In Interment In- In Bountiful will be In the direction of the Blumel tery ten under Blume r. Funeral Funeral services Cervices for tor Evans Cameron will he ha held from Early wi East First South street t Wednesday at Eit P. P m. m In charge o of Dr E. E I. I Goshen a The casket will wi b be ben I open n at the chapel Tuesday nn and Ind Wednesday prior to the services serice In Interment Interment In In- will follow In the family family- plot plo 1 In Mount Olivet t cemetery V CANNON Funeral CANNON SON Funeral services for Lettie Taylor Toy Tay 0 CA lor lot Cannon Connon will be held Wednesday a at 1215 P p. p m. m wl In tn the Pioneer stake stoke hall hol The 1 1 cn ket will wl be open nt at It the residence Th 1178 1176 South Eighth West We-st street from Irom 9 ut to 16 1130 ix a. m. m Wednesday Interment In Ic city cemetery 1 ry under direction of th the Larkin mortuary NS E EVANS Funeral services for lor Eva RuthEen Ruth will be bo conducted Wednesday Wednes rIvers Evers Evans conduced wi day dRY Een at t 12 noon in the Belvedere wan ward WAd chapel The ca casket let will I be open a athe at atthe atthe the residence l avenue a from to 1130 a. a m. m Interment in Wasatch Lawn burial park under dl di direction dla of f the Larkin mortuary GOFORTH Funeral Funeral services series for Sarah Saah El Ellen Ellen El El- len will b be held Wednesday d dat at 3 p p. p m. m In iii the drawing room of f Joseph Jo seph William Taylor mortuary mortuary- Bishop R. R A A. Wilam Brower officiating Friends ma macall may call Tuesday af afternoon and until o'clock and Wednesday prior unU to services at the mortuary Interment itte romi tor maCs Funeral Funeral services for lor Mary Mary- MIU MaryAnn Ann Rises s will bo be held Wednesday a at HI 1 P. P m. m In Tenth ward wad chapel chope Bishon Thomas Thoma Childs officiating Friends may c call at the residence East Elt Fifth South l street Wednesday from 10 a m to 12 noon and nt at It the Joseph William Taylor Talor mortuary Tuesday from 5 to 8 P. P m m. Interment in City cemetery ry LUNN Funeral LUNN-Funeral Funeral services lor br Wilford Guy City Lunn of 1113 McClelland street will b be beheld beheld held Thursday at 1 1 p. p m. m In the th L L- L Le- Le Grande Grands ward chapel Bishop Frank Fran Bowers Dower officiating Fiend Friends may ansi ma call cal at nt the th resl residence Wednesday and Thursday until time of services erlet Interment Mill Creek Creel cemetery cemetery- under und r direction of 11 George Georte A. A Jenkins mor mor- tur for Anna Ann Dora Dor MILLER MILLER Funeral services Miller will be conducted Wednesday n nt at Mier 1 P. P m. m 1 In the I. I Larkin funeral chapel chapel The casket will be open nt at It the th chapel chape 1 Tuesday from Irom 11 4 to 8 p. p m. m and Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- I until time of services day dl from 10 a. a m. m series Interment In City cemetery cemetery- |