Show I First Feminine Pro Plays Here A 4 I p 4 A 4 k t 7 x MISS HELEN HICKS Former W Women's National Champion to Pair With Covey in Match latch at Country Club Miss IbliSs Helen Hicks former women's women's wo wo- io mens men's n national golf champion and the first member of oC her sex to become become be be- I come a 3 professional was to arrive in Salt Lake City Tuesday lor br an exhibition match Wednesday at 2 p. p m. m at the Country club dub Miss Hicks who is considered the longest driver In feminine com corn competition competition petition will team with sith Owen Cove Covey intermountain amateur champion Their opponents will be Miss Betty Botterill low handicap C C. C. C player and Ed Kingsley state stale open and amateur champion There will be no gallery fee for forthe forthe forthe the exhibition and every links devotee dev dew otee in the state slate is extended an invitation to attend Alex McCafferty McCafferty Country club pro said Tues Tues- da day Helen won the national title in 1931 1931 defeating Mrs Glenna Collett Vare 2 and 1 I in a match at the But Buffalo aJo Country club New York Before leaving the amateur ranks she was considered one of the big three which also included Mrs Vare and Miss Mus Virginia Van Wie Not only is Miss Hicks a long driver but she has one of the most consistently good short hort games of any woman She has been playing a series of exhibitions in the Pacific northwest and in California and is en route to New York |