Show ste SPEED CHARGES CALL 19 1 9 BEFORE TRAFFIC COURT S One Accused of Drunk Driving Has Case Continued I City c coffers continued to swell t tu uday as more motorists caught I J iii a police polke net nel to make Salt Lake Oft city traffic conscious p paraded MV police court Nineteen alleged speed speeders rs some ome of or Them holdovers ers from the police drive c Cf Saturday night appeared on the thc coutt calendar Five alleged st stop p sign violators a man accused o of drunken driving and two accused of reckless driving were also atso on the c calendar four motorists forfeited 5 each when Jhen they failed faBe to appear on stop c Jen charges They were Charles L L. Wood bur 50 sa of 1810 Fourth East I reet Walter H. H Barber 31 31 of or Woods I cross Cross Cross' Don J J. J Hanson 32 o of 1091 I East St street and W. W S S. Full Full- net raff 51 of ot 1548 South West Temple street C. C P. P Hilton 50 50 o of East 7 Ninth South street W was fined 5 when h M bf pleaded guilty bit Driving Case Continued Trial of Fred Anderson 22 of ot 1322 h 11 eq ati last s Second nd South street charged h with lith drunken driving riving was continued i tho those UI tit M. t to May 14 He was arrested April 21 1 on Wen Ye Drunken driving char charges es against I I Golden Henstrom 28 of 1220 McClel land hud street were rc reduced to reckless b driving and trial wa was set for tor May 14 U d wj on ca a pl plea a of not guilty guilt f Henstrom previously convicted on oni 4 1 i drunken driving charge had been panted granted a new trial on grounds a flip J of a coin com in a resulted inthe in inthe fl the Lie verdict Edward Gordon 20 o of 1983 View t l treet was fined tined 10 when he pl pleaded a ed guilty juilly to reckless driving Those appearing on speeding charges their pleas and dispositions were ere T. T H. H Barlowe Jr 44 44 J guilty JUit fined 4 Don Chase 18 18 1233 Crystal avenue not guilty trial triaI Ma May 14 G G. H. H Hale 37 37 Crandall avenue ave ave- 1 flue nue forfeited 5 Austin G G. Miller 2 22 3 17 South West Temple street guilty fined 5 C C. P P. Switzer 81 31 60 CO COVan Van Buren avenue guilty fined 5 John J. J Johnston 18 1811 Eleventh East street guilty guilt fined 5 paid 3 2 suspended E. E J J. J Johnson 40 Fountain Foun lain bin Green Gre-en forfeited 5 Isador Werber ber 32 Goltz avenue guilty fined 7 paid 2 stay to May 13 for balance bal bal- ance Karl lul E. E Da Day 27 27 Fifth East street guilty guilt fined 4 4 T. T 22 Riverton forfeited 5 Thomas Reese 35 lIes 1165 Kensington avenue guilty fined 3 stay to May 20 Robert Rob Rob- l ert H. H Erath 19 1130 South West Temple street guilty guilt fined 6 H II B B. I Carlisle 42 1530 Yale avenue plea 1 May ay 10 Gordon Snow 14 1869 Eleventh Elev Ele East street plea May 9 0 C C. T. T Cardwell 28 28 Lo Logan an avenue bench J warrant arrant issued Maurice Anderson 40 2485 Highland drive drive plea May 8 Mildred Mil Mu- dred Larson 21 Ogden pica plc May 8 Clyde CIde R. R James 28 guilty guilt fined 8 James lames Brown 21 21 Wind Windsor or street treet appeared for sentence fined 7 stay to May Mar 21 Tagged ragged on Highways Motorists ta tagged ed b by deputy t sheriffs en on highways outside city limits were Emil Hense 23 South Red Redwood road charged with speeding Almo Fulmer Eleventh East street and F F. B B. Cook Holladay accused of Ignoring I top stop p signs and Dwight Mackley Helper Help Help- cr er Cr charged with reckless driving Mackley appeared before Justice Justic of Peace Herman Gygi and was fined 25 which he paid Ju Justice o of the Peace Peare Gygi also fined Leland Riverton Ri 20 for reckless driving Sunday night near Crescent Other offenders were given tickets r- r requiring them to report within five rive d days s 's to justice designated justice courts lot foe disposition 5 o of their cases CRes Leonard onard o 0 o Riverton RI was fined lined 20 By oy ly Ju Justice o of the Peace R. R White While of Sandy on ona a plea of guilty guilt to charges of reckless driving and being drunk runk A jail sentence o of 20 dasI days das iu suspended when OstI r paid the I toe t. t Clifford Peterson arrested d with tl Saturday night pleaded guilty to ta drunkenness charges and was lined fined 1750 |