Show Sandwich Mans Man's Swirl to Fortune and aid Fame Collapses A And nd A Again gain Hes He's Carrying His Dollar Day Si Signboard NEW V YORK May 7 Wali W-Wali Wall Wallstreet's streets street's honest sandwich man Frank Greges was was back on his his his' old beat toda today shouldering once again his dollar day sandwich board Greges ac acclaimed for his honesty hon bon honesty esty three months ago when he returned i pack packet t of securities securities se se- se- se to i its hose the sandwich board In preference rence to j i. i rj I fM life ute on a Pennsylvania farm I got to work wont for a living he said I dont don't want to go on the ium um For Fora a brief period perio she he was a a public hero and gifts gUts of ot money and clothes poured in on on him Belden Co eo owner of tho the se securities securities se- se gave ga him a job Then his mind became unset unset- tied Ho He thought he ho Wb was God and said laid that la ft person peron upon J o 0 y whom he looked would die dl He looked at Michael and fell feU dead Authorities Au Au- however said it was was was' from a heart attack Greges was taken ken to Bellevue hospital and recently was dis charged His job with Belden Belde Co expired expired ex ex- plied at the end of April There was WM n nothing for for for forthe the 67 year old yea man to do He Botch told W. W H. H Combs r y t. t ft t t. t J I f r a member of tho firm he was going with a friend to work on ona ona ona a farm in Pennsylvania Then he changed his mind He decided his old job at 1 a day work he be W was better than farm as remembered it from 15 years years ago Late yesterday he appeared at athis athis athis his old stand at Broad and Wall ValI streets carrying the same flame old olds s sandwich sign advertising passport pass pau- port photos 3 for 35 cents ceat 1 j lm r J. J f Jc jf |