Show COLLEGE PLANS FOUNDERS FOUNDER'S FETE Miss Margaret Brady of ot Jackson Jackon Hole Wyo Wo will be crowned queen of or the May Olay at Westminster college Founders' Founders day celebration at the college college col col- col lege Friday The festival will mark the sixtieth anniversary of the school Don n-n Wolfrom president of ot the student student stu stu- stu dent body will crown the queen at p p. m m. to be followed by creative dances and md nd a May pole dance under direction of ot Miss Eleanor Elcanor Wright physical education instructor A s scenic nIc background for the queens queen's throne has been designed and built by Miss Mis Louise Waters a student Miss Lucille Archer soprano and the women's glee gice club will accompany the dancers Miss Brady a member of ot the high highl school graduating cI class s was elected queen by popular vote Her attendants attend I ants Miss l c McClure and Miss l Edith Middleton received the next highest votes Solo dances will be given Riven b by Madelyn Made Made- lyn Clark Sally Cooper Shirley Whitmore Helen Vent Jane Harris and Gale Morgan Founders' Founders day will be opened by Vice President Robert D. D Steele in the chapel at 9 0 a. a m. m Speakers willbe will willbe be Mrs Elizabeth Steele member of the class lass of 1921 and Mrs Catherine Barker also of the class of 1921 After chapel chapet students and faculty will join in the annual cleanup of the campus campus under the supervision of P PS M. M college treasurer Lunch will be served the workers at 1 p. p may m. m m m. by ay Mrs Jean Sickles house dean of Ferry hall bali and her student helpers Athletic events will follow lun lunch h. h Activities will vill close with a dance inthe inthe in inthe the F. F R. R Payne gymnasium at 8 p. p m. m Queen I I t I 4 I Miss 1 Brady |