Show Visitors in S. S L. L Hotel Lobbies George J. J T Quinn Denver divisional divisional divi divi- manager of the tho Federal Match company said present sales show a marked increase over those of the last five years ears H He is registered at the Temple Square hotel AT THE TIlE TEMPLE TE SQUARE Mrs Herman M M. Holler Koller Minneapolis Minneapolis Min Mm- neapolis Minn Mr rr and Mrs R. R M. M Mullen Windber Pa Captain and Mrs John A A. Isherwood Fort Rile Riley Kan Han Albert O O. Evenson Edinburg N. N D D. Mrs C. C C. C Groshong Groshong Groshong Gros- Gros hong Boardman Ore are Mrs Cecilia Cecilia Cecilia Ce Ce- cilia D. D Gilbert Chicago C. C Louise Evans New York City N. N Y L. L U U. Edgheill Boston former sales manager of or the National Wool Marketing association said that present wool woo conditions look favorable and are arc on their way to noticeable improvement While in Salt Lake City Mr Edgheill is isa isa isa a guest at the Hotel Utah HOTEL UTAH Ivan Franks Frank Los Angeles L L. A. A Moler Portland Ore 7 Mr Ir r. r and anti Mr Mrs R. R A. A Swain Swarn Los Angeles Mr and Mrs S. S Fisher Chicago Louis Louis' I L. L Dent Dallas Texas Mr Mrs and Mrs T. T J. J Convoy Convey San Francisco Francisco Fran Fran- cisco J. J F. F Rowan Denver A. A P. P Boston Mr and Mrs S. S II Burke New York City C. C B. B Siegel St. St Louis D. D D L. L Morris Morri I Kansas City Mo Mr and Mrs G George orge A A. A Walz Los Angeles |