Show Cadets Will March Before Area Commander in Review at University tI fL 1 f 1 rS c 1 1 f. f 4 k yva a b j 1 f i jK fi h j I Tk AA rt a 4 I c J ct rY r w- w S u r k kt t I i I t ti y l w wr r o r Y v t r 4 S c Z r ri i r rp J I c a. a J r. r y NN y ao G ka ua eG J ri t 9 r c i 4 q r ia s O 4 d i WY These cadet officers will Join with Major 1 Genera General General Gen Gen- era eral Paul B. B Malone commanding general of the Ninth corps army area In reviewing the he elt city of or Utah R. R O. O T T. C. C unit at a re regimental para parade parade pa pa- ra rade e We Wednesday morning Front row left to right Approximately R. R O. O T. T C. C cadets ca ca- ca dots at the University of ot Utah will willi pass pas in review during the years year's final regimental inspection on in the university university sity stadium Wednesday at a a. a m. m when Major General Paul B B. Malone commanding general of oC the Ninth corps army area area will inspect the local reserve unit President George Gcorge Thomas of ot the university and Major James A. A Gil- Gil w Cadet Colonel Walter Winegar Miss lIss Mary Jones regimental sponsor and President George Thomas of the university Back row left to right Allen Hunter John Morris John Lorenz and Whitney Groo of the university color guards lespie commandant of or the local R R. O. O T. T C C. unit will welcome General Gener 11 Malone Malone Ma Ma- lone lon to the campus and join l him m in reviewing the ca cadet et regiment Major Gillespie and Captain Melyin Melvin Mel Mel- yin vin Craig of the university unit will review the cadets for lor the last time as they both have been ordered to report at new army posts at the close of ol the school quarter General Malone will inspect the enlisted detachment of ot stables storerooms storerooms store store- rooms picket lines and stables at 8 a a. a m. m Wednesday and will review th the R. R O. O T. T C C. regiment at a a. a m m. m i ithe in inthe inthe the university stadium He will ac address ad ad- dress the student body at the close c cf the review and they will visit President Pres dent Thomas Members of ot the cadet regimental staff in charge of the review are Cadet Cadet Ca Ca- det Colonel Walter WaHer Winegar Cadet Cade Lieutenant Colonel William WilHam Fairbourn Fair Fair- bourn Cadet Captain Milton Reese regimental adjutants Cadet Major Phillip Cannon in command of the first battalion Cadet Major John Owen in command of ol the second bat bat- Cadet captains to command batteries batter batter- ies ics during the review are Norman Van Dam Virgil G G. G Hall HaU William D D. Thompson Robert Haight Daniel Danie Grundman and Milton L L. L Lee Leer Through General Malone members of the Scabbard and Blade national military fraternity at the university will present a trophy to the best battery bat batS tery of the regiment at the review based on appearance bearing marchIng marching march march- Ing and alignment Guests of honor at the review revie wilbe will wil willbe be Dr Clarence Snow Dr John J J. Galligan Galigan Dr John E E. Carver James JamesW W W. Wade Mrs Dan B B. B Shields Thomas Thornas Thom Thorn as A. A Williams Dr Joseph Hughes Robert H. H Hinckley Hinckle Mrs A A. J. J Gorham Gorham Gor Gor- ham James Ingebretsen en H H. M. M Welling Well WeB ing jag Roy D D. D Thatcher D. D H H. Christensen Christen Christen- sen Leon D. D Garrett Dean Thomas ThomasA A A. A Beal Dean Milton Millon Bennion Dean James H H. Leary Dean L. L L. L Dairies Daines Dean F F. F W. W Reynolds Renolds Dean L. L E E. Cowles Dean Myrtle Austin Dean Herbert B B. B Maw and E E. E J. J Norton An invitation has been extended to the general public to attend the re re- re- re view |