Show Young GOP Would Trim South's Party Vote Power KANSAS CITY May 7 AP AP-A AP A determined movement to strip the southern states of their present voting power in Republican can national conventions arose in the midwest today as young Republicans Re Re- publicans u ic rs looked toward the regional party conference at Spring Spring- field fjeld Ill June 10 11 This Is the most Important single Item for consideration of ot Republicans George Georg Olmsted of flea Des DesMoines I Moines chairman of the national young oung Republicans committee e. e said and it should have a permanent part partIn In the at program Springfield ld Opposition to the plan came however however how how- ever from tram Wisconsin where young oung Republicans argued nothing must bedone be bedone bedone done at this time to create sectional ill feeling Terming the present system a 3 relic of ot carpet bag da days Olmsted said that one of ot the most Important st steps ps that th tho Republican party can take in putting its own house in order Is to return the control of the party to the tM hands hand of ot the tho people One On great step in this direction he ho continued will be to make voting voting vot vot- ing power Ower on the national committee and in the national conventions proportionate pro pro- to Republican vote vote- rather than proportionate to population R. R N N. Ingelson president o of the DUnois Illinois Illi DU- nois young joung Republicans said uld that the young joung G. G O. O P. P movement would make maka a specific demand at tho the SprIngfield Springfield Spring SprIng- field convention for tor a revamping of the party machinery On the Republican national committee com corn and in th the Republican national convention nt on third one-third of ot the total votes are ne cast by the so o called d solid south Muth states he hc declared |