Show S SCOUTS OUTS HONOR HONORIE 5 NINE IE S S1 S. L L. 1 MEN I t. f Outstanding service of ot nine Salv Salt Sal v Lake City men to the cause of scout scout- r 1 i Ing ng g was recognized Tu Tuesday day by pres pres' of copies of the Handbook for Boys published by the national scout cout organization Books were presented to Governor Governor Governor Gover Gover- nor Henry H. H Blood the Most Rev RevJames Jam James E E. Kearney D. D D D. bishop of the Catholic diocese e of Salt Lake the theRL Rt RL Rev Arthur W. W Moulton bishop c of the Utah Episcopal diocese Heber J J. Grant president of the L. L D. D S S. S church the Rev Re ReV W. W A A. Shanks Baptist Baptist Bap Bap- tilt secretary for Utah Idaho and Montana Rabbi Samuel H. H Gordon of the Temple Israel the Rev Hel Theodore I G. G Lilley pastor of ot the First Presbyterian church t the e Rev Charles W. W Hancher superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal church nd nd Malcolm A A. A Key Keyser er president of the Salt Lake Council of Boy Scouts The Rev Fr Francis R. R Lamothe assistant as- as as as- rector of the Cathedral o of the Madeleine received the book for Bl Bishop op Kearney Melvin Mclvin J. J Ballard member of the council of the twelve apostles of the L. L D. D S S. S church received received received re re- re- re the book for President Grant and the Rev W. W R. R Sloman pastor cf tf the Emanuel Baptist church received received re re- received a a book for the Rev Shanks Rev Bev Hancher Rancher was was also unable to attend attend at tend but oth others rs honored received awards personally at a luncheon meeting at the chamber of commerce Mr rr Keyser presented awards awards' s' s to others ethers honored he in in turn receiving his is book from David F. F Cour Coursey ey chairman of the council publicity committee The books on each of ot which is Inscribed Presented on behalf of every Boy Scout in appreciation of service to the Boy Scouts outs of America Ameri Amen ca are replicas of the five lve millionth handbook recently presented by President Pres dent ident Franklin D. D Roosevelt John M. M Boutwell a a member of the twelfth regional twelfth regional executive board reported on on the recent board meeting held In San Francisco A double quartet quartet quare tet of scouts of-scouts scouts outs from troop 45 furnished music for the program |