Show Produce Market SALT LT I. I LAKE KE CITY BUTTER Pint First erade Ib tb J 29 Second crade Jrade Ib lb 28 Sweet cream lb Ib 30 Parchment print Vic c less CREAM M Lint First trade arade del Salt Like City City 35 IS s Second cr trade grade de del Salt Lake LIlke City 2 24 EGOS EGGS Lar Larce e whit h dor o 36 Ku Medium white cg doz z 4 25 CHEESE Full Pun cream triplets lb Ib 18 16 Full n cream 1 longhorns Ib lb f 4 16 i Pull Full cream S 5 sandwich h loaf t lb Ib lb 17 l Jac cheese 6 Ibs lbs each Ich lb Ib 18 13 18 Wheel Swiss cheese chrese domestic lb Ib 23 Block S 25 bricks Ib lb 25 23 Limburger 1 lb brick bricka Ib lb lb 2 25 Cream brick 5 bricks Ib lb 21 21 Roquefort 5 lbs Ibs each Ib lb 65 65 Pull Full cream eream daisies Wi WIs cured lb Ib 22 2214 i Full Fun cr cream am triplets western cured pound 21 21 J f Full cream l longhorns horii western est rn cured pound pound j 2114 NEW YORK May tay 7 1 IAP AP AP Lire t Steady by freight broilers other freight ht grades unchanged all ex express ex- ex press grades unites unchanged r poultry Steady poultry l steady aUh g fresh hd old roost oot- l er ers era 16 1 turkeys 19 ducks of 18 lIe other fresh and all frozen u grades du unchanged Butter Butter Receipts slightly firmer creamery higher rr than extra a c extra exira 92 score acore 28 c firsts 91 88 scores 26 Sc centralized 90 wore core 27 c Cheese Re Cheese quiet quid unchanged Eggs Receipts Eggs Receipts firm mixed col col- ors ora special or selections from fresh tuh receipts C standards and commercial com corn mercial standards firsts 2 26 c me rot 40 pounds 2 23 i c dirties No 1 42 43 pound pounds average checks 24 24 be e a packed firsts 25 c white usa eggs It re resale resale re- re sale i of f premium r marks s nearby near near- by special packs s. s Including l f premiums IU 28 la nearby 1 al and e f hennery rin exchange specials nearby and midwestern midwestern mid mid- western exchange standards marked a mediums I PAcific coast fresh s shell treated or liners fancy lancT 31 c Pacific coast I standards dards Pacific coast couto shell treated or liners mediums r. r browns resale of premium marks roark 29 68 SOe nearby and western watern special packs private private vate sales ales from front store western and aind- ards 21 c. c CHICAGO May May 7 CAP AP Poultry Re Re- Re live Uve 28 25 trucks truck steady hens 1 19 1941 roc be leghorn h hens rock rod fryers 23 U lie colored rock more than 3 pounds colored lIe rock broll broilers u. u tc colored leghorns roe roosters roosters' sera 14 IH Vac c hen turkeys k toms o No 2 N lid old J l' l t ft ducks k pounds up small ic young joune white ducks 4 2 pounds p up 19 lOc less than 4 Yo pounds pound lie geese lIe Gutter Receipts Dutter-Receipts Receipts 1 1992 7 unsettled 1 creamery creamer specials 93 acore score 27 tc ex extras ex cx- teal tras 92 2 score 28 c extra firsts 90 to 91 scores 25 firsts 88 M to a 89 scores seconds cond 8 SS as to 87 67 scores corts 24 e c standards 60 SID score centralized 1 car lots Iota 26 C. C Receipts firm extra firsts tH fresh graded J firsts l current receipts lie storage packet packed firsts tints 26 extras Potatoes Potatoes potatoe Receipts Sc on track U. U S. S shipments old otIS stock about steady supplies liberal trading moderate Wisconsin round whites U u. u S. S No 1 Idaho russ russets ts u. u s. s No l 1 fine quality lure large 1165 commercial 1130 new stock Itron er supplies moderate trading good rood Louisiana Bliss triumphs U. U 8 S No 1 and partly graded ho in some decay J H tr U. U S. S No 2 1125 1123 Alabama Bliss nUll triumphs U S. S No NI 1 1 1230 O U U. S. S No 2 2 S1 O. O |