Show Utah Senators Divided On Bonus Measure Vote v WASHINGTON ASHINGTON May Map 7 AP Utah's AP-Utah's Utah's two Democratic senators split in the vote for final passage of the Patman bonus bill Senator Elbert D. D Thomas voted for final passage while Senator Villi William am H. H King voted against passage The roll call on final passage of the Patman bonus bill follows For the Pat Patman an bill Democrats 43 Adams Bachman Bankhead Bilbo Black Bone Bulow Byrnes Caraway Clark Coolidge Copeland Costigan Donahey Duffy George Hatch Lewis Logan Long Maloney Maloney Ma- Ma loney McAdoo 1 McCarran McGill McKellar 1 Minton Minion Moore Murphy Murray Neely Overton Pittman Pope Russell Sheppard Smith Thomas s O Okla Okia la Thomas Utah Trammell Trammel Truman Van Nuys Wheeler Republicans 10 t Borah Capper Gapper Care Carey Davis Dickinson Frazier razier r Gibson Gibson Gibson Gib Gib- son Norris Schall Progressive 1 1 La Follette Labor Farmer r 1 Total 55 Against Patman Jatman Democrats 21 Ashurst Bailey Brown Barkley Bulkley Burke Byrd Connally Dieterich Fletch Fletcher rt Gerry Glass Gerry Glass GuI H Harrison Har r. r rison Hayden King Lonergan Radcliffe fe Robinson Wagner Wagner Wag Wag- ner ncr Walsh Rep Republicans 12 Austin Barbour Couzens Hale Hastings Johnson Townsend White Keyes Kees McNary Metcalf Total 33 1 |