Show Prep Drep Stars Tangle Wednesday at Utah Cyprus Bingham Davis and Jardan Joran Jordan Jor- Jor dan an are are- expected to enter strong trios in inthe the tennis tournament tournament ment merit at the Utah university courts Wednesday at p. p m. m when entrants en- en will be trants ants to the tha state net meet decIded Other schools of at the region which may enter Wednesdays Wednesday's meet are Murray Tooele Park City North Summit and Cyprus won the thc Jordan district net ct league title with Bingham as up runner over Davis and Jordan Schools will enter one singles player and nd two other netters for tor the doubles event vent The region winner and runner- runner up p in each event will enter the state tournament at the Ute courts on onlay May lay 11 Entrants must report for tor Wednesdays Wednesday's Wednesdays Wednesday's Wednes- Wednes days day's matches match to Theron S S. S lee Ice cc Utah tennis coach at the Ute gymnasium at p. p m. m |