Show I L Opinions I Comment of the American Press Good and Bad Neville Chamberlain British chancellor of the exchequer cheerfull cheerfully cheerfully cheer cheer- full fully informs his constituents that reductions in the national income tax can be expected He further pulls his fourth straight balanced ed budget out of the hat and announces that British prosperity has recovered 80 parcent per p-ar percent r cent of normal There is both good news and bad badin badin badin in his figures Britain it cannot be denied 1 s Is making substantial strides toward recovery and is doing doing doing do do- ing so without the lavish spending practiced in the United States But Britain is on its war debts to this country and its income taxes still arc scandalous compared with ours Americans hail hall Mr Chamberlains Chamberlain's Chamberlains Chamberlain's Chamberlains Chamberlain's Chamber Chamber- lains lain's astuteness hi in n balancing the national budget But th they cant can't reconcile his increased expenditures expenditures expendi expendi- tures for lor military purposes while refusing to repay repa money borrowed to wage the last war Cleveland Cleveland News The Doctors Stand Pat Dr Morris Fishbein has come and gone leaving the ranks of the California Medical association Unbroken unbroken unbroken un un- broken in the campaign for state ate compulsory health insurance Doctors the country over are watching with intense interest this dramatic clash between the august American Medical association and the California association over health insurance On February 16 Ia the h house lse of delegates of the thc national national national na na- na- na bod body met at Chicago and adopted a strong stand in opposition opposition tion to all forms of at compu compulsory ory sickness insurance whether administered administered admin adrain- by the federal government the government of individual states or any individual industry com cornS or similar bod body And just tw weeks later its California California Cali Call fornia affiliate met at Los Ang Angeles IEs and made history by voting to cooperate cooperate cooperate co co- co- co operate with the legislature in drafting draling and supporting a bill for forstate forstate state slate compulsory health insurance For once Dr Fishbein caught a tartar A senate interim committee that thal had raised for a statewide state state- wid wide health survey conducted with funds supplied by the California Medical a association and nd S SERA ERA E I A and that had even paid its own traveling and incidental expenses expanses during a two years gears years investigation in was not going to let ld him have last word Pr Presumably written by State Slate S. f t X Senator Tickle of Carmel Highlands Highlands Highlands High High- lands a tart comment on Dr Fishbein's Fishbein's Fish- Fish beins bein's California excursion appears ars arsin in the senate journal Dr Fishbein it says failed ailed S to get an invitation to address any of oC the constituent county societies of the California Medical 1 tion Dr Fishbein is an entertaining entertain entertain- ing talker and California welcomes every visitor The California association association as as- social on alter after due deliberation having gone on record for compulsory compulsory compulsory sory health insurance very consistently consistently consist consist- refused to permit Dr Fishbein Fishbein Fishbein Fish Fish- bein to confuse the issue by inciting inciting inciting in in- citing prejudice and opposition The narrow viewpoint of the oll official cial A. A M. M A A. on the shores of Lake Michigan compares in breadth and depth with the broader vision of the C C. C M. M A. A on the shores of the Pacific as the lake compares with the ocean There seems to be something something something some some- thing about Chicago that adversely affects the minds of medical men San San Francisco News When It If Comes to Propaganda Propaganda- That Thai su super hunter of subversion that mighty warrior against propaganda propaganda propaganda ganda Representative Hamilton Fish seems to have picked up a pretty neat trick or two when it comes to devious methods of spreading spreading spread spread- ing Dig ideas Invited to address the Penn Athletic Ath Ath- letic letle club in Ph Philadelphia Mr Fish delivered his standard speech form torm a against foreign radi racH- radi- radi ca cats cals New Yorkers who are cloer closer cbs clos er to Mr F Fish h than the more fortunate fortunate for for- or- or residents of oC Philadelphia know how it goes It starts by blaming blaming blaming blam blam- ing everything on on foreigners and whooshes up to a crescendo Goback Go Goback Goback back where you came from fromI But when the audience read about the spee speech h in the papers later it t was puzzled For the press reported reported reported re re- re- re ported Mr Fish not only as lS lamming lamming lamming lam lam- ming out at the foreigners but as viciously attacking President Roose Roose- velt Mr Fish was quoted as saying that the thc president had ruined the country impoverished the Uie workers and destroyed business One Philadelphia paper told what h had ad happened It seems that when Mr Fish got got- through with his standard speech form torm f a against foreigners he walked to the pre press s table and handed the reporters reporters reporters re re- re- re porters an addenda This was the attack on Roosevelt to be reported reported re re- ported as having havins b ben been cn made before the me meeting thou though h it was wu not riot Neat NeaU The long haired bushy bushy- t t t tC F bearded foreign loreign propagandists whom Mr Fish seeks under every bed could hardly have done better betterin in putting over o a subversive idea Can it be Mr Fish h has 13 been bem contaminated contaminated con con- by the thc sly radicals he has been hunting all these e years New New NewYork York Post More C C C Camps The C C C may accept proudly the f fact ct that announcement it is to tobe tobe tobe be increased from to GO- GO has met with no objections It has seemed natural to the public that so o long ong ong as emergency relief programs must be carried out this unit which has an enviable record should be continued arid and expanded Hast Hastened ned into service at a time when many other plans were being tried the C C C has emerged as one of the most successful Young men from the cities and the farms the colleges and the closed factories factories factories fac fac- tories have met in those melting pots and testing grounds which were cre the 1500 camps They have aided in conservation fire ire prevention prevention prevention tion forestry soil studies flood control and countless other tasks There is encouragement in the fact that a section cross of American youth proving Its willingness to work established so high a record for lor behavior and efficiency While the work which these boys bos do probably would not have been undertaken outside of ot an emergency cy it is of ot permanent character and of ot the sort which forest men and md conservationists have urged for tor years ears They are doing in a few years that which the thc ordinary program program pro pro- gram could not riot hope to accomplish h hin in man many Doing so they are maintaining maintaining main main- taming their self respect and building building build build- ing lag their health and character Oakland Tribune A Courageous Counter Attack It is a n. healthy sign that the tho Hearst press attack on education has called out a vigorous and courageous counter If It teachers do not stand fighting Inthe in inthe inthe the front rank for freedom of ot in intelligence intelligence in- in the ca cause e of ot the latter is well nigh hopeless Unless the schools create a popular popular popular pop pop- ular intelligence that is critically discriminating there is no limit to the prejudices and inflamed emotion that will result Intelligent Intelligent Intelligent Intelli Intelli- gent understanding of social forces given by schools is s our chief protection John John Dewey Dewcy InThe InThe in inThe The Social Frontier N. 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