Show Lusitania Survivors i Remember Comrades NEW YORK May 7 UP Three UP-Three Three surviving sur officers of the liner Lusi Lusi- Lusitania tania ania met in an office on Steamship Row ow today to drink a toast to their shipmates who went down with the giant vessel 20 years ago ogo t to the min min mm- ute The Lu Lucy Luey cy as the vessel was known to her crew was torpedoed by the German submarine U 20 1 10 I miles off the Irish coast and went L down with a loss of ot 1198 lives including in Americans The three officers officers of of- are Captain John I. I Lewis who third was officer of the Lucy Richard G. G Wylie junior third engineer engineer engi engi- neer fleer on the ship and William E E. G G. Jones third electrical engineer p |