Show j RED WHITE i i I j o a ap p WEDNESDAY I i CUT GUT STRING BEANS 23 cans I TOMATOES TOMATOES No 2 21 Solid Pack can lOc I PINEAPPLE MATCHED ro NO 2 5 C CAN CAS SLICES SLICES- CE Lac ft i WHITE KING Gr Granulated SOAP 7 aC WHITE W HITE KING K O N G T TOILET SOAP f b 4 19 BARS OR KELLOGG'S KELLOGGS L R. R G W. W CORN BORN FLAKES FLAKES 2 j R. R W. W TOMATO JUICE 3 3 cans i I L LB FRANKFURTERS SAUERKRAUT E n SUGAR 10 Ibs lbs I I Cooperate with the mayor major and Junior I I j Chamber of or Commerce Up Clean-Up Week April 9 29 to Mar DIaT 11 II USE OLD DUTCH CLEANSER j I Cost Less LessI 3 I to o U. U Use 1 CANS lt Made de With I J CHASES DIRT DT l. l 23 J C r Pure tore I I FRESH TOMATOES 2 lbs Ibs NEW POTATOES 3 lbs GREEN PEAS 2 2 Ibs Ids RADISHES 2 2 2 bunches Se CARROTS 2 2 2 bunches t MEATS 4 l' l SHOULDER LAMB 2 2 2 Ibs SHOULDER VEAL 2 2 lbs Ibs GROUND BEEF 2 2 Ibs BEEF CUBES DUBES 2 2 2 Ibs lbs RIB LAMB CHOPS PRESSED PRES ED CORNED BEEF lb Ib Let Us Serve Youl Youe You WHITE STORE j The Si n of a De Stets e l l s r tl t s CHANGE CHANCE to r Kelloggs Kellogg's Kelloggs Kelloggs Kellogg's Kel Kel- logg's Corn Flakes in a Spring Sale now at your grocers A real oPPortunity opportunity opportunity Order today while you can make this saving SEASONS SEASON'S BIGGEST VALUE 2 A J q t I 1 r or s k kEy Iy W Wm r m T. T Ay 9 4 I j 41 f. f I N j IW a yr if T rG f 3 r fi a sa MOTHERS MOTHER'S DAY n MAY M A AY Y 12 1 2 I 1 1935 9 3 5 s r 4 vi r v vI t I She wouldn't protest if you let the day pass unnoticed shed she'd think as much of you as ever still be willing wilting to give up everything for you But shell she'll be a little happier t in the thought that you didn't didn t forget forgot This little extra happiness the little shine hive th that t will come into her eyes oyes when she opens the package its it's worth it Isn't it You'll find progressive merchants presenting presenting helpful suggestions In InThe in r The Tribune and T Telegram m and the stores themselves alive with ideas for making I the day a happier one ono for both of youl your p it t r t I t i Je a It AI a tk k t i L I I III II tJ N G al-G- I-G-A I A. A tb STORES f D u uA N A WEDNESDAY FOOD SPECIALS S The Effective at Salt Lake Murray l Riverton k strip Centerville Union Draper Pleasant Grove and Provo Stores QUALITY HEATS MEATS MEATS- TSe J d ft I C Fancy Cheese ec Creamery lb OV inne ft Steaks leaks Sliced Dried Bee Beef 81 Choir n Beet d re t ft lb Premium 1 14 1 c c cC 27 c Calf Cal Liver ft Sliced Genuine Sliced t. t lb c Ht I ft SARDINES Oval Booth OW Can s 3 f or AI 1 C CN a e ft N Cream 28 i. i Pineapple meanna ft n C Cream ream OJ of o Wh Wheat eat No UKULELE Z 2 Can 28 3 2 for Fi Flour our 1 iG B a Be ft 48 bar bag 1 75 l ff ties i M 18 R MATCHES I IG R box 6 C 1 A Pork Fork Beans Puffed ed Wheat pier k p t I I l I No Ao J rIP PIERCES PIERCE'S ly can Launat bun Laun- at dry p Soo Soap I UP 11 10 ba bars rs 2 c t as t I U J 1 lOc 0 C Beans No Cut 2 Green can cnn Ever mm 3 g reen for 2 c eR k Flakes t lOc r M I FRUITS an and VEGETABLES i w Lettuce 2 heads crisp Salina RHUBARB 1 C Utah U 0 Onions Bermuda Bermudas WAX Xo- Xo l Lb C c I Str i 2 lb Iv Carrots bunches Fancy lame 3 b U. U lO c C n IW Radishes Local Bunch rem 1 i r ts S V if KOMI tw shiff COMMUNITY BUILDEr St COAST TO COAST t r If 7 PALACE A l I c f 4 1st So at 3rd East f 0 So Temple at 2nd East least x 1 f South at East z THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE AT ONCE s I O JELL-O All Flavors vors 3 1 Ic c I a ts u COFFEE SST Maxwell laxwell House Ib 30 c cP Su P Post os t T oas t. t les Size Stan Standard d a rd p k g 7 c t ti CORNED BEEF Libb Z Zin s 's 12 oz tin in c S SUGAR UGAR Utah 10 b Fine cloth A Beet bag 64 C MILK Tall Tins s. s 5 for t r u il WOODBURY'S Facial Soap p 3 bars r VEGETABLE SOUP Otoe makes 42 92 oz of soup finlo tin Vv pC St St. ring I ess B Beans Beans' eans Evergreen No 2 tin 8 c OYSTERS 4 ST ST. Tin ounce lOc 00 STRAWBERRIES i Fane Fancy Oregon Plums CUp t A 11 c V ORANGES Large a doz SPINACH Uta Utah Sc ASPARAGUS Utah 2 Ibs R RADISHES or S 3 bunches Green S 0 Onions Sc D BREAD BREAD addle Boy 2 DANISH SNAILS r r dOZ DATE NUT BREAD 2 i PI PIES ES Assorted t each y Gov CT C A If C STEER B BEEF E EF nS O STEAKS I T-Bone T Sirloin I IL b v Round Ground Round Roun Round PURE LARD LARD 2 Rib Boiling Beef Ibs FRESH HALIBUT Sliced pou 1 HAMS Half or or lb 4 f S |