Show TONY AND GUS RADIOS RADIO'S S 'S NEW NEWn I HIGH SPOT n p p. p m. m MISi night Saturday and Sunday 1 I IL L Never before has radio offered sucha such a a combination the magnificent singing voice of Mario far famous fa fa- a. a r Opera star sur as Tony Tony pIus plus the human homely comedy of George GeorgeS Frame Browns Brown's laughable lovable boxer Gus Gus the the Swedish Tornado Tune in TONIGHT Brought to you by byPRODUCTS POSTS POST'S 40 BRAN FLAKES PRODUCTS OF GENERAL FOODS Radio Programs TUESDAY TuESDAY MAY 7 1 P. P p. p M. M ned GOO 00 NBC Red Trails stories of or the Northwest Mounted Mount d Police The Police The D Devil vU of Duck Lake military band directed b by Graham Hurls Harris I NBC Ed 30 NBC Ed Wynn with Graham Mc- Mc J an and Eddlo Duchins orches- orches j NBC Beauty NBC Beauty Box Theater starring s James Melton Frauca Francia White John Barclay and anti Theodore Webb In a re repeat repeat re- re peat performance of z Blossom Time musical direction 1 1 80 NBC OO NBC Al g. g Goodman Amos n Andy comedy sketch TOny NBC Tony and Gus dramatic and ond musical sketch with Georee Frame rame Brown Bromn noted writer and Mario Marlo Metropolitan opera tenor S 3 30 30 tao r Leo orchestra c th Phil Duey Ducy and Sally r Walter Walter Preston the Home with Robert orchestra V. V IS Utah Senators In ton the radio letters from Utah's senators 3 NBC NBC HoKI Roy Royal York orchestra NBC 1000 NBC FIn Fan Fare Meredith WUL orchestra in a program of ot numbers d by b listeners ini 19 NBc Hotel Paxton orchestra JI r S Sone Recital JJ Al 1115 nc Al Morris' Morris orchestra 1115 BC NBC Radio Press News 1 Midnight Midnight ti Melodies W Good loo Good night I WEDNESDAY WED MAY MAya 3 8 A A. A AL M. The 2 The Lone Pine Rangers The mo The Musical Clock popular early arly m morning revue of melody NBC nA 2 NBC waiter Castle baritone V NBC Annual NBC Annual conference of or the Na No- Association of Mutual Savings Sn Banks l Betty OO 00 Betty Crocker cooking jug ruz- and recipes V 15 c NBC Merry lery Maw Macs acs three boys bon and a. a sin In n POP popular harmony Words NBC i Words Words and ond Music Maude V tenor Muller g. g Larry contralto tt Larson Jn Charles Charle organist i Sears Scars liar Har- ye e Hays narrator C NBC Recipes with JAne El- El Ilson V NBC Lid Restaurant orchestra The lOl Lotus Gardens V orchestra 1030 Si ts of the Week 11 0 Press llOD News The NBC The mC-The Arts Art Trio NBC t of Song Sana C L Lester sUr Contralto P. P M M. 1200 1200 NBC P Popular Tunes of the Day and Sade comedY I V with Bernadine Flynn Art Van Harty liar liar- ty and BillY Idelson mc M Perkins isZ S Perkins dramatic sketch ketch Come True Tru Darn Barry Mc Mc- Kinky Kinley baritone with nay hay Sinatra's orchestra NBC and Bob dramatic V sketch with Don Ameche 11 West NBC rn Farm um and Rome nome Hour direction Josef for for- nit nH V NBC NBC Jean NBC Jean Dickinson with Fred Q Schmidt end nd his orchestra V NBc 2 NBc James on baritone V Sat Sam NBC and Dick In the North V Woods adventure l story by Finis V Parr NBC Education In the News NBC l NBC BC Mr James H. H Rand Jr speak speak- Ins on 11 Congress and the Dollar V 3 O 3 Tuberculosis tion j e Melodie 35 t Desert n Jn Interlude Kid de club NRC of the Black Chamber I KOYL Strains ns AI Kennedy soloist lo t. t with V the Symphonic String orchestra V One NBC One Man Family I NBc t Around Arou l the Corner Comer I 54 Hour Varlet Varieties I NB our ur Horns Home the On n tb Range Rante tea fea 1 turing John Charles Charlea Thomas Thoma I 1 CSt RU TUESDAY MAY 7 I P. P r il M. M r CBS CBS Bing Bint Crosby accompanied by Georgie Stoll's Stoil's orchestra sinn sings Theres a II Lm Little PIcture Playhouse In My Heart Henrt i I see You Whenever I Cloys e My Eyes Every Day and Dee Ji Q a Latin from Manhattan The CBS MiS Hour ot of r Charm presentIng Present present- ing Phil and his 32 Melody Ladles Ladies Evelyn Xa Kay violinist Gypsy Cooper saxophonist Sonya and Rochelle Hochelle piano duo and Pat Harrington Har liar rington n Arlene Francis mistress or r ceremonies e n T. T 70 CBS The Caravan with h Glen Olen Gray OrO and his 9 Casa aia Loma Jn orchestra Wal- Wal Walter Valier OKeefe master moster of ot ceremonies ceremonies ceremonies cere- cere monies r Ted sports announcer er and Annette Annetto Henshaw Hensha soloist author hor and ond father Lather of tho the Kellon- Kellon Fray CBS CBS Fray and concert pIano n team feature Chopin's Mm ute ul-c Waltz aj Consumers Consumers' National I Ad Advisory Ad ory Council on Radio In Education Salmon Sal Sal- mon soon 0 o. o Levinson of Chicago lawyer la author and of the tho Kello Kellog Briand peace pence pact will m discuss Millions Million for Mars The Lowdown on the high Cost of Living 8 The Thc SA Hawk mystery uris serial In In the Music Room Boom Music As AJI You Like It It presenting organ and piano Inno team and Richard Condle Condit tenor 85 cBs 85 CBS Portion of or the program dedicating dedi dedi- ca cating tl I new transmitter presenting Chicago outstanding talent from Irom 9 8 00 The OThe The Fashion Parade Parde Comedy l Comedy Capers CBS Bill CBS 3 Bill Hogan Houn and his orchestra Smoke 1000 moke Rings with wil Emma Ema Street at t the organ Joy Joy-ce Palmer r soloist Io Lowell vibraphone ro b and the Old PIpe Smoker Lus orchestra Lectures 1045 Lectures by Radio conducted by Dr John T conduced Pupil Accomplishment Ac Ac- in the Activity PuPi School The Pro Proponents Present the School Evl- Evl Elden El- El den Bestor's Don li orchestra 1130 Orvllle Knapps Knapp's orchestra WEDNESDAY MAY MAya S 1 A A. A M. M Serenade renade cBs loo CBS Radio Press News S CBS O Romany Trail Tul Early 2 Ealy M Mornine Shopping News New T 45 ozark CBS Mountaineers Mountaineer Mountaineer Breakfast Breakfast Melodies Morning Morning Moods Mood The cas l he Mood Story of Man Mry Marlin S Voice W S V ot or Experience Maln rye CBS The Gumps CBS Star CBS Star Five Jones dramatic Star Jone se serial serial se- se rial of tho the dally daily life lile lle of or a newspaper reporter The The Mornine Hour r. presenting Sterline se- se ster Ster- ling line Grey and Nancy Robbins Bobbins with wih Organ nuon and piano team team 10 Parade 00 Parade of Values A 1055 A visit with Jennie Lee Le Stylist 1030 presents Good GO Morning Judge Judie CBS CBS 45 Eddie Duns Dunstedter entertains 1100 Marie CBS CBS Ce ceu Marie th the Little PrinCe Prin- Prin HiJ m of Helen Trent 1130 CBS CBS t American N School of the Air f o period Tropical Fruits In Florida I Fuits PJ P. P M U CBS Kate Smiths Smith's troUnce Matinee Hour 1 The Shoppers Shoppers' rs' rs Matins cBs g Curtis 1 i Institute u of Music of Popular Interlude Melodies 24 Between the Bookends n orchestra he sra Daily cast cst i Intermountain neo News eo Broadcast Broad Broad- a Jean Brunesco orchestra a 3 SS Radio Press News 1 l Ss Miss Cecille Cecle The The KL Junior Hour lour directed by bj Captain Gen from the Concert ball hal n 30 Nick Nack or of Popular Dance Danco Bands Bandl Holmes 51 Jack Jack Armstrong Y Varieties starring Everett Marshall Manhat Wheres Where's a House For Rent SEE A AS o OUR GUEST T I CALL AN EXPERT a BUM BUILDING MATERIALS BUILD REPAIR BUILD REPAIR MODERNIZE MODERNIZE IMPROVE IMPROVE Through the facilities now made mad available bv by the National Housing Act For estimates call caU THE RIO ORANDE LUMBER LUMBE CO 18 S. S W W. Was BUTTONS BUCKLES BUTTONS button holes hole buckles made mode t to order hemstitching buton pleating all al kinds kind Kidds Kidd's Spec Shop hop 4 E. E W CARPENTERS REMODELING carpenter cement cement brick work plastering roofing Vas Wac n j J. J. 6 ELECTRIC WIRING WRING I Co or on AL wiring 1079 1019 E. E lIst South fly Hy IY 1738 I I FENCES CHAIN link and ornamental Iron erection service Wire Iron Works FLOOR FINISHING machine for br rent a SO polisher So State Was Wat OLD floors sanded made like new average average aver aver- OL age alte foor room 13 n. Call Cal IY Hy hr R. n. FURNITURE REPAIRING ROYAL furniture Co E. E 2nd S. S Was Wa 1591 and Ind repairing Upholstering Shop R Recover cover cover- repairing 10 UPS E E. 8 Hy 1478 HEATING 4 REFRIGERATION WiLL CALL Sumac Co for heating cerv sen agents W 1240 IRON WORK ORNAMENTAL UAL DAL BALCONY ONY oN porch stair railings and ml c cron iron tron ron work Wire WITe fc lIron Iron Work LAWN LA MOWERS SHARPENED CALL CAI A A. eys en bicycle safe asic and lawn mower expert We call caU and 62 W. W expert Was Vas 4 80 LAWN mower repairing reasonable sharp sharp- enin Hy fly I SHARPENING and repairing factory equip I Ideal repair shop thop 1986 S S. S 11 1 E E. H H. 2111 2 MOVING Z STORAGE COAST to coast moving at rates COAT covered by Ins No o crating t packing nee Mollerup I Moving oa a anti and Storage t r kb Co 15 South West Temple Was Vas 1562 HADLEY TRANSFER STORAGE CO MOVING OVING COAST TO 49 East Broadway Was Visa Wa 1176 lUG Moving Movine packing and fireproof storage storRe HOUSEHOLD goods roods packed moved and shipped anywhere Modern fireproof warehouse Long dist a specialty REDMAN VAN STOR CO W. W 1463 1483 FURNITURE storage expert packers of fine china chIn cut glass alas etc Local and long Ions lona distance dl moving Was Vas Wa 22 KEYSER KESE FIREPROOF STORAGE COWE CO WE SPECIALIZE IN MOVING I Fr YAWS YAWS' 11 nn rn T n W t nil PAINTING AND PAPERING painting remodel remodel- Ine Irig Inc lur rusT estimates estimate civen n. 1 W. W q M M PAI PAINTING and papering work guar Prices reas t Fred Wilkinson fl W Was I J NATIONAL HOUSECLEANING CO Expert Epert soil jD service Wg WaS Wil 41 PAINTING cleaning For r orl rail call 1 Mr h H Hv M PAPERING P. brick staining naming clean clean- ln In r Call L H it W V UI VERY reas papering painting c cleaning m e work nork guar o above all est eat and samples free IrN Call Cal Wa Was Wu 15 yrs yr exp up epo PAPERING paint remodel sun ed sample res Wk Jacobs Jacobs H II 1 W. W ILL LL save you money mony painting IL W. W M. inc Ing kalso F. F W. W JAck Jackson n. n PAINTiNG papering cleaning First Frt class cas work work References H Hy IY M. f. M. Briess PAINTING papering cleaning work guaranteed rua- rua guar guar- Mr r Stone Ston Was WR R 22 BRICK STAIN CO HY ny M M 1 PAINTING DECORATING BY EXPERTS PATENT ATTORNEYS THOMAS TUOMAS fr THOMAS U U. U S. S Ree Res Trade Drawing Beason Bid BId W W. 72 a PAPER CLEANING PAPER cleaning 10 per cent dis' dis ds- ds ronn 01 with ei 11 V V. Johnson H H H. H 1 PAPER rAPER cleaning painting Prices s able Call Cal Hy Ily Iy J 85 or Hy J. 2472 PRINTERS BINDERS PRINTING CO CO corn com mercial work ork Edl Edlon on st at Was Vas Wa 1801 tun 1011 OR private and public library library- binding set ser seeP P P. P G. G Dust Co 21 Edison at t. t Was Vas 1679 17 RUG CLEANING FRANK MARTIN CO RUIS Rugs carpe carpets up up- FANI hol hoi MARTIN furniture expertly cleaned Orlen- Orlen tel tl rug rUI specialists 1630 8 State H. H ROMNEY RO Rug Cleaning Co Not the oW cheapest cheapest cheap cheap- est but the best Rues u n and ut upholstered furniture 1015 East Hy Hi c SALT ALT LAKE Carpet Cleaning Expert Epert work wora ort rea prices 8 8 th E. E Hy flY 20 2019 0 Cleaners Clennen Superior rug rue and upholstery up up- upholstery cleaning Done DonI at d your home homr if I preferred 1130 Windor Windsor Hy HI 17 TRUSSES AnC ARCH p made from m plaster S 1 Paris Iaria casts supports braces trusses fi cr crutches lt Fit W Well elI 1 Limb Co ns W. W V. V 3 8 8 3 SL L elastic tc da stockings arch braces TRUSE etc Main st. st VERMIN EXTERMINATED s for kiln BEDBUGS vf W R ROACH 0 A C H WIE D DOOM 0 0 M for ROACHES Wn Was WI 2114 2314 S S. S W We V. V Tempi ARCS ARCH M. M RICE Guarantee Ester in Co 28 years In Utah H 12 80 WINDOW SHADES SANDERS ANDERS WINDOW SHADES ShADER SHADE Lowest Lowet prices free samples and quotations t allowances made on old rollers II shader reversed IU 50 So st Was Wu 1838 FUNERAL DIRECTORS WM R. R I HORNE HORNS MORTICIAN RES Rt ITT ITY I. I 2955 OFFICE fly HY R. R t st st. 8 BURIAL CLOTHES CLOTHE DUR BURIAL DURL L clothes d mad maSe by br Mrs P W. W Cude cude 45 E rm W W. Mr MONUMENTS MARKERS MARKERS' V HEADSTONES special grave markers morken no full line ei f flower pots urns and bird I t lh baths neW W Sr c Morris l 1882 2 r So Sn E East GRA GRAVE VI markers malen Everlasting Bronze Sal SaI L Lake ke Stamp Co 00 3 3 w W. Woe Wu 01 EVERLASTING art bronze monuments and anc markers marken Capitol Brass Bran Foundry Jeremy JeremT st. st Was Wa BusiNESS OPPORTUNITIES i iBY I IBY BY BOWNER OWN OWNER ER COAL MINE AND RANCH IN WYOMING Mine JUne In operation 21 years eus Goo Good coal 1 large J quantity cm can be easily casIL Jt mined 1 old fJ e established f trade with farm fenced and water 2 houses house Ou s garages e 0 stables etc tc At rm mine mine acres acrea separate r tt I 64 ACrS also access acress all with water wate rights No encumbrances ni Act quid Quick to be ready for the tall fall fl trade A good lood In Investment In- In vestment Address Addres Box Dox p 1 Trib- Trib Tele V SELL SELL lease Jease or rent room 7 hou house e. e loo food fod rent rom stand service ser station garage nURe 2334 23 E S. S State st. st I GOLD OOL GOLD GOLD The bl biggest test offer oHer ever eer made Placer Place mining In a gold sold district district Yardage apProximately ap ap- ap- ap Proximately Average Averne bout about J 1 per er yard will sell I 55 cent t per f ta for br Must sell at once Circumstances Circumstances Circum Circum- stances sance force forc Write 3 J. J r. r Kosanke American Falls Fall Idaho State distributor for Cornelius Corelus purified all air systems systems beer pump Protected fran fran- frn- frn chIse Good money maker Small Smal investment in in- In- In vestment Every beer dispenser A K pros pros- Pct Experience not necessary Box BOJ R 2 R 5 Trib Tele GOLD MEDAL DAIRY bldr 1148 14 S 5 3 State Stae about with wih 10 f. 10 cem cern dr wa way wayon Wa on either aide elde Ilde back lot and alley at attractive at- at a- a front font also nio offices officer Hy H. A BARGAIN ar Cafe BARGAIN Cafe doing doln good business busness cheap for cash if I tAken at once Box 4 Pocatello Idaho A AUCTION SALES SALESTA SALE 2 w. w I TA AA 15 1484 18 to Itta 1486 SO 50 STATE SATE HY KY H. H THALES M. M M I. I DERRICK High class auction service serice Hy Hr LOST AND FOUND 3 1 f AD lot for return or In of black and tan dog dOl named Lost near nea East Eat and 3rd So S. S Satur- Satur day Hy W. 1269 W. So E. E WRIT WRIST WATCH ana ann strap woRe told gold loson lost los loston on Redondo E. E bus at 3rd S. S n am and Main ral Reward hH H. H W. 8 t 2 2023 g S S. S 5 E E. E Yellow BRACELET BRACELET Yellow sold old set let with wih 3 diamonds dia dia- month monds monds lost Liberal reward Hy Large CAT DAT Large male lost bat los East Eat 2nd So Reward for return or Information leadIng lead lead- Ing me to recovery I Hy hi Brooks L-Brooks LOST Brooks OST Brooks bicycle No blue trimmed with Ith white Return E. E E W Heal Hea- Hea l ly 1734 Wright ht ct So 50 bet 5 C 5 Pact Enst IS 15 reward PURSE Black PURSE Black leather Lather purse lo loot t on E. E E. E on So Se Murray Reward DARK DAR jp GRAY Y Spaniel lost Name a Frank nank Gill Cill Hv liv 4 Blame ln ave BLUE zipper purse pure lost vine Inc So Bo 15 13 F F. containing n. n 7 R Seward R. HT liv I. I 1 1 DO DOG copp copper r color spaniel pup 6 mos old lost No collar colar Hy Hi 2953 2233 Reward Reword 5 35 CURRENCY and bank paper lost b by poor old lady 90 years Was WIS M M. M. Reward Regard Or return to 50 Gordon place KEY CEY brown leather cont with lh keys key lost between 1st and 3rd So on Main Call Wa Vas 77 77 7 Mrs Winter PERSONALS 5 FOR TOR BOYS games game woodwork swimming 6 C ks SS 53 Deseret Gym Wa Wn 1434 1424 NEW JEW m mgmt mt Trained nurse Reducing elec dec treat S Swedish mass man UJ 1 21 Sn So M hl n VERY RY Y Deu massage hot hoi cam bates DaD rub Hour Hours 10 6 Atlis bide 26 At SWEDISH massage alcohol rubs rubs baths masue 31 Season BJon 2 25 Z |