Show Unused Farms Held Dust Storm Menace I Abandoned farms contribute to Utah's menace In the opinion of oC James A A. A Hooper secretary secretary secre- secre tary ary of ot the Utah State ers' ers association expressed Tuesday Mr Hooper has just returned from a tour of southern Utah made in company compan with J J J. M. M Coon Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington D D. C. C of the federal farm credit administration They visited many of ot the worst dust areas T l He Y found Mr fr Hooper said t that that at atm m much eh blowing dust originates from I plowed and abandoned marginal land and which was formerly in grazing are area Farmers abandoned lands when they hey found themselves unable to tomake tomake tomake make a Jiving living on them he said The plowed fields left lett soil loose enough to o be caught up by winds |