Show it JOHNSON JONNSON TELLS j DICTATOR PLAN t I I Br liT Frets tn I JA Ky May 7 General 7 gh h S. S c Johnson former N R A ad ad- S 1 would not enlarge today t charge that tha during the thc 1933 1033 h his 5 crisis certain business lead lead- I Roosevelt to deI de- de f r rs urged President of I t Sr a dictator of the thc United JUS- JUS t l made the sensational JohnSOn dLe U in an address before young oun Democrats in a tobacco i 5 rn last ast night His speech wasil was I il cc Ii rz ed i in the main to renewed deS def de de- S f of or the Rev Charles E E. JSn radio priest and Senator t tp P. P Long if have not notS S we are forget forgetting ng we S many old counsels of or safer safe safe- t s said The uThe D. D r and nd convenience h he t I lr i-lr cell reason we haven't ha a 1 dictator Sy i ht L now cow is that the v very ry ide idea was h to the president in j S of ct f there were many who urged that step and n J strange as It now seems S M j the principal were some of the barons of big business who recently re- re came to Washington and passed S resolutions 3 telling the new deal to told old up and die Hits flits Third Party Johnson denounced third party in general and although t t. t be organized the first federal eder ll govern attempt to regulate business in j I neat ent 4 warned of the dangers of a awell aS awell S well established bureaucratic system S His Bis secretary Miss Frances Robin Robin- re JOn ion had heralded the speech as the 7 test of ef his career Johnsons Johnson's attack on Long anc and andI S was pitched In prepared d cop HI ju lu of his bi speech on their potentialities I ties as S third party leaders But 1 repudiation of third put party I- I aspirations and his indorsement of oi I 1 f the Patman inflationary bonus bill bil Sunday night cau caused ed last minute re re- re- re visions His attack on Coughlin was M more generalized and his address wasI was I directed into a scathing cath ng attack on theS the S 1 Wt left wing opposition to the new deal ap i He le singled out the Patman bill and ad wealth share wealth ur-wealth program for tor particular lar attack u 1 I If through some such freak of of et i fate as LI a defeat of democracy by a Ua lat third party split the return of the cd od guard should be threatened it r. r bring us as near to revolution Ww u anything that has happened in our 7 lifetimes he said IT Coughlin Lon Long Assailed j ity After mentioning Coughlin's union aS- aS J fr Dr social justice Lon Longs Long's s 's share-our- share wealth eaIth plan and the Townsend old Mj age ige pension penion scheme cherne Johnson said dir Young voters In this country will er la do no more than throw throwaway away their S I ilIn il ballot and their money i if 11 th they y ally led themselves with any such political S wisps will and nine day nine day wonders won won- ar ei f ders deu as these We have had many manyin nt in this country from nothings know In through to populists populists- S but none ever got gol anywhere and nobody nobody no no- Sr body who followed them did anything a r more than fatt fatten faton n a n momentary trIumph triumph tri trI- ial for some ambitious local leader We must maintain the two two party party system h h 4 tern tem unless we want vant to turn our political po 1 futures over to minority groups S 4 Pointing out that the framers of the thel f constitution wished a decentralized 1 rt government he deplored the increasing J j jag ing trend toward centralization 1 a which he saw as necessary in many Instances We live he said in the SI twilights of ot the state I Johnson was introduced by Alton Curtsinger 13 13 winner of ot an oratorical Ii cal eat contest The meeting was scheduled sched sched- 4 tiled for outdoors but threatening 11 weather eather caused it to be transferred to the which was jammed with tUh some auditors |