Show BIG PLACER MINE BEGINS OPERATING IDAHO CITY Cm Idaho May 7 JP- JP P Thirty men men men arid and worth o of equipment are being used here on the Gold Hill HilI placer mine mme which was described dc de de- de scribed today as one of the largest o oits of its kind in the world by Frank Ken nedy Boise Bois mining engineer who i is managing the project that Is being financed by the Earl C. C Anthony company company com pany of ot Los Angeles We are using gallons o of water a minute to wash out the sold gold near here on Moore creek and Elk creek Kennedy said I He estimated that there Is 25 years years' work ahead The Is worked only about three months annually because of the shortage of of water waler and activities ties tics have Just got ot under way again this year The first placer gold mining was done in this vicinity approximately 60 years ago and millions of ot dollars dollar in gold have been recovered from this basin during that thal time Kennedy said |