Show STUDENTS WILL NAME LEADERS Election of the officers of oC the associated students of ot the college of St. St Mary Wasatch the Wasatch will be beheld beheld beheld held Wednesday May S. S Hours o of the voting will be from 9 a. a m. m to 3 p. p m. m Candidates for the offices were selected by a nominating committee and wore were approved by the student body The nominations were ratified rati raU- tied fled by the president of the c college Candidates arc are President President MIss Miss Rosemary Brennan Bren- Bren nan nan Salt Lake City Miss Elizabeth Norton Pocatello Idaho Miss Misa Elsie Ross Boise Idaho Idabo Vice president Miss Mary Hearly Heady Salt SnIt Lake City Miss Arilla Arma Smith Salt Lake City Secretary Secretary Miss Miss Roseanne Cunningham Cunningham Cun I nine barn Lo Los Angeles Miss Patricia Patricia Pa Pa- tricia McQuaid Salt Lake City Treasurer Treasurer Miss Miss Madeline Kough Rough Milford Utah Miss Sarah Mc- Mc Salt Lake City Nominees for the social activities committee are arc Chairman Miss Chairman Miss Winifred Madigan Madigan Madi- Madi gan an Laramie Wyo Miss Evelyn OBrien O'Brien Midvale Vice chairman chairman Capitolo Capitolo Capi- Capi tolo Salt Lake City Miss Miss Jeannette Guthmann Boise Idaho Miss Eileen Murphy Salt Lake Lak City Secretary Secretary Miss Miss Helen Sheehan BoIse Boise Idaho Miss Florence Ausmus Aus- Aus Ausmus mus Grand Junction Colo Treasurer MIss Treasurer Miss Mary Ellen Enen Purcell Purcell Purcell Pur- Pur cell Salt SnIt Lake City Miss Evangeline Evange- Evange line Une Bengoechea Ogden Nominees for tor chairman of ot the publicity committee arc are Miss Jean McDougall Salt Lake City Miss Genevieve McHugh Salt Lake City |