Show CLASS OF 85 TO BE FEATURE FEA TURE P PROVO A PROVO A golden anniversary reunion reunion re reo re- re union by the class clas of ot 1885 will feature feature fea fea- ture reunions of f Ii 11 classes classe of ot Brigham Brigham Brig Brig- ham Young university on annual alumni da day June JuneI 4 I said Dr A A. A ne Rex Johnson alu alum alumni n secretary Tuesday All Y alumni arc invited The program includes class luncheons luncheons lunch lunch- eons at noon alumni program by representatives representatives rep rep- of the reunion c classes at 2 p. p m. m college han hall annual annual- recep re tion for alumni at the home of at Dr Franklin S. S Harris Harr B. B Y U. U president to 50 p. p m rn alumni banquet room D 6 p. p m. m alumni ball 9 p p. p m rn women's gymnasium gymn Classes which will vilL hold reunions and committees in charge are Class of 1885 Flora R. R Brimhall chairman and Ann E. E Spafford Provo class of or 1896 Jennie K Mangum J chairman Ina ma Gee Hodson and Stella Stelia Lewis Davis Provo Classes es of 99 98 Dr Walter Tr chairman Mrs Walter T. T Hasler Haster Eliza Call Can Nelson and Dr C. C E. E Maw Provo Class Clas of at 1910 Elmer Miller chairman William Wilham William Wil Wil- liam ham J. J Snow S Samuel muel W. W Williams and Alice L. L Reynolds Provo Cla Class s of 1915 Hugh A. A Baxter chairman Springville rD Vern R. R Greenwood and Dr Vasco M M. Tanner Provo Class of oC 1916 Dr Wayne B. B Hales chairman Joseph K K Nicholas Od Odessa sa Allred Cullimore and Orea Bean Tanner Provo and Dr N N. Henry Savage Ogden Class of ot 1917 Bell Wilson Hales chairman Dr Stanley Stanle Clark and Marie Malie C. C Knell Provo and Marion L. L Harris Elsie Talmage Brandley and Lisle Lindsay Salt Lake City Class of 1918 Algte Algie E E. Ballif Balm chairman H. H R R. R Clark Fern B B. Ercanbrack ck and Dr Milton Marshall Provo Class of 1930 Edna Ball Culm ee chairman Jean R. R Paulson Bertrand Harrison Orrin H. H Jae Jackson on and Eunice Bird Provo and Addle Addie Wright Bingham V |