Show Betty Blythe Says Comeback Craze Foolish D By FLICKER FAN Hollywood's Hollywoods recent reent epidemic of attempted comebacks by movie people who have dropped from the theop top op of the ladder was described as foolish Tuesday by Betty Blythe charmer of ot silent flint film days Miss Blythe who Is perhaps best remembered as the star of Queen of ot Sheba was found working as asan asan an extra In a film starring Greta Garbo Its only right that younger women women wo WOe men should have a chance to attain fame she said Im not foolish enough to think I can get back to the he top again agan Ive I've had my fun Ive I've made a n Tot rot of or money and Ive I've lost ost it Im I'm perfectly happy just where I am In addition to working working- as IlS an exra extra ex- ex tra ra Miss Blythe maintains a small chicken ranch ranch and writes poetry I CI George Cukor motion picture exceptive returned to the film colony colony col eel ony ony a little disappointed with Broadways Broadway's stage stage- productions The New York stage has hIlS nothIng nothing noth- noth Ing ng that we would be interested in Cuk Cukor r said sald Its perhaps the tho dullest dullest dull dull- est season on Broadway in a long Jong time ime so far as motion picture pos pos- go Cukor an an associate of oC David O. O k made the trip east to survey survey survey sur sur- vey current Broadway successes for possible pos adaptation to the screen I I saw a dozen pr productions in inight eight ight days he hc said and I wouldn't recommend any of oC them for Cor or the screen tc a Warren William Villiam motion picture actor began a personal campaign Tuesday to revive the lost art of carrying a walking stick sUel It used to be that the character of oC a man could be determined by bythe bythe the he kind of a cane he wore the actor said Apparently such masculine mas- mas culine accoutrements have been forgotten in ill the rush of oC modern cIvilization One of or Williams William's hobbles hobbies is collecting collecting col- col walking sticks and he is isaid said aid to have one of the most unusual unusual unusual un un- un- un usual in U the e film colony |