Show Salt Lake City Briefs J I L. L MORRIS secretary an and nd treasurer of the Pacific National Life Lif Assurance company discussed The Th Pur Purpose e o of Life at a 3 meeting o othe of S the he Capitol Girls Girls' club Monday nighat night nigh at the Hotel Utah Audrey Boyd clu club pr president ident was i In charge S VIENNA I E N N A as a medical center wa was S discussed by Dr Douglas 0 Owen wen president of th the American Medical A Association of V Venna Vi enna in an ac ad dress M Monday o 0 n d day a night at th the New New- Mr Morris house hotel Th The a. a association includes American doctors doc doe tors stud studying ing in Vienna ARTHUR ARTHUn W. W V. V POTTS pons for lor the last las year ear supervisor in the division of so- so o o- oJal ocIal cIal Jal science of the Utah E ERA Ft A wasen was wasen wasn en n route Tue Tuesday day to San Francisco where he will vill assume duties as director di die rector ector of the regional office for tor tabulation tab tab- and coding ceding of occupations occupational classification of ot employable persons on n relief rolls CELE CELEBRATING RATING Admiral Dewey Deweys entry Into Manila bay E. E A. A Wedgwood wood C camp No 1 I United Spanish War Var Veterans met Monday nl night ht a at Civic center Three persons who were at t M Manila at that time time George George Seaman Seaman Sea Sea- man Anthony Clawson and Richard Richart Wright recounted recounted their experiences OS Oscar Van Colt Cotto principal of or the Bryant junior h high h school was also a speaker PASSKEY PROWLERS entered two wo homes Monday and early Tues Tues- da day ay police reports reve revealed A radio and nd loud speaker were stolen from the tie residence of Mrs Alma D D. D Walker Fourth East street Carmen Carmen Car Car- men Campanaro West Elg th South street reported the lo loss s of 25 25 La n cash and two watches VIOLET LIND LINDBECK was elected commander of Argonne unit No 2 o of the ic ladies ladies' auxiliary of ot the Disabled American Veterans of the World War Monday evening in m the Newhouse hotel Other new officers are Marie Mane Gile Hie senior vice rice commander Ella Hoover junior vice commander Lawrence awrence Wilkins chaplain and Mrs Ethel Jensen Jansen treasurer Executive board Mrs Charles A A. A Wood Mrs John ohn Ford Mrs Jess Jes R. R Jensen anc and Mrs Irs George Faust A 90 WOMAN sought police aid Tuesday for recovery of 30 in bills and a bank statement she lost ost Monday night The woman Mrs Andrea Andre McLaughlin of the New Ute hotel otel North Main street left leIt the hot hotel l at 8 30 p. p m. m to visit friends a alock lock block or so awa away In her hands was clasped a small paper package con con- taming the money but when she arved arrived ar- ar rIved ved at her friends friend's home she he no long r had it DIRECTORS named by the Hollday Hollay Holl- Holl da day ay Park corporation a group of summer sum sum- mer men homeowners in E East st Weber canon canyon can cnn yon on include L. L B. B Hampton Russell K Woodruff Gilbert W. W Williams H H. A. A Snow and Wayne Decker They were ere named at a meeting Monday night ight at the chamber of commerce A LECTURE on Don Maguire His Life Ale and Work will be bo given May 15 5 at 8 p. p m. m at St St. the Mary satch atch by C. C S. S Pulver The Maguire library and collection is at the school 1 in the chamber or of f commerce has been voted Alldridge N. N Evans and Manfred E. E 3 Anderson by the organizations organization's s 's board oard of governors it was an an- Tuesday DR GEO GE A. A WILSON VILSON chaIrman chairman of the Sons of ot Utah Pioneers Pioneers Pio- Pio Monday night presented a charter harter to the Tooele camp the largest argest chartered group in the state tate Three original pioneers Moroni Moroni Mo- Mo roni oni England Phillip De Dc La Marc Mare and nd Joseph Kirk Sr were made honorary members of ot the organ organ- A CHAPTER of the Italian Italian-Amer- loan ican can Civic league was functioning at Bin nm Tuesday y following a meeting meet meet- ing ng of the Salt Lake Cit City chapter with the Italian co colony tony here l last 1st week Joseph oseph P. P BOone president of the Salt alt Lake City league was the speaker A DINNER CONCLAVE will b be held by University of Utah ion jion service in the the- the the- Union building Friday at 7 p. p m. m mj celebrating c con conclusion o n of the term F. F W. W Reyn Reynolds olds aids director will I welcome guests Entertainment willbe will willbe be furnished bj byi Chester Hill play log Ing a piano solo a selection by thc a duet from t the h c school play 1 Bartered p a y B 13 r i d c dancers humorous readings by Gall Gail Mr Reynolds and Professor Levi Ed Edga ar arA solo by Helen Helenc Young a soprano a dance by Natile Sterling ind nd Floyd Cornaby and solo by Pro lessor Arthur Freber and a song b by bythe the Island A TOTAL of for tor their S library was collected by students o ol Irv Irving ng Junior high school in m a two S week drive Abe Walter Graham Gordon l and Verna Haslam will receive prizes for having havin collected the largest number of books said E. E M. M Bronson in charge of th the drive PLANS for a 3 program to be given in n honor of their mothers on th the Monday following Mothers Mother's day were vere discussed at a meeting of ot th the Antlers Antler Monday evening WORD HAS liAS been received here o ohe of the he death of Walter Fuehring 30 husband bus hus- band jand of Martha Blair Fuehring former former for for- mer Salt SnIt Lake Cit City resident Mr Fuehring was killed Sunday in an automobile accident at Alhambra Cal SALESMEN SALESI of Chrysler De Dc Soto and Plymouth automobiles held the first of five school sessions in the Tribune-Telegram Tribune auditorium Monday Monday Monlay Mon Mon- day lay evening J. J R. R Barton of Los Angeles served as instructor lIES BIRS BURTON W. W V. V MUSSER state tate senator compared Americas America's economic security program with that hat of other nations in an address Monday before the National Association Asso- Asso elation for the Advancement o or of Colored People in the Trinity A. A M M. E. E church P. P S. S Marthakis member memer mem mem- ber er of the house of representatives spoke poke on How a Bill Becomes a Law Rev J. J S. S Patton presided SORROW SORRO at the death of United States Senator Bronson M. M Cutting of f New Mexico killed in a mid mid- western airplane crash Monday W was 3 expressed in a resolution passed by Argonne chapter No 2 Disabled Disabled Dis Dis- American Veterans of the World War Var at a meeting in the chamber of commerce Monday night John F. F Freeling chapter commandant presided and plans for or Memorial day and the thc annual state tate convention here May 25 were discussed A UTAH LEAGUE for tor Reform I and nd Protection has been organized d I here it was announced Sunday by G. G 3 A. A Hoglund of the Stockton Standard Mining company secretary secretary secre- secre tary ary and treasurer of the new or- or or or- The league will seek repeal of all state and m municipal laws aws held and Unworkable unworkable un un- workable he hc said The league is isa a 0 nationwide organization L. L M M. Dixon of or Salt Lake City is ant nt secreta secretary SUIT FOR DAMAGES was pending Tuesday in district court ourt against the Denver Rio Grande Western Railroad company In n connection with a grade crossing accident April 4 which resulted in death cath of Herschel Naylor The crash rash occurred on Center street in Midvale According to the complaint complaint com- com plaint filed b by Mervin Naylor administrator ad of Herschel Naylors Naylor's estate state the latter was a n passenger In n an automobile driven by Everett Newbold The car is alleged to have lave been struck by n a freight train operated without warning bell or whistle A MEETING 1 of the auxiliary to Clarence E. E Allen post No Veterans Vet Vet- erans rans of Foreign Wars will be held heldt heldal at al t the Moose club Second East street treet Wednesday at 8 B p. p m m. m TIlE THE RECONDITIONED pioneer wagon agon which has been on display in n the LtD S. S temple grounds Tuesday Tuesday Tues- Tues day ay was en route to New York to be shipped to Denmark and presented to o the Danish government to be placed laced in national park The wagon was donated by |