Show J Prowler Picks Poor Location For or Enterprise Frank Young 38 38 picked the wrong house Monday afternoon according to Patrolman R. R S. S Cahoon Young Young- was arrested last week by Patrolman Cahoon as a n. burglar burglar burglar bur bur- glar suspect As the police pollee officer labored in his back yard garden Monday afternoon Young prospected Patrolman Cahoon's home according according according ac ac- ac- ac cording to the officer But he hemet hemet hemet met Mrs Cahoon Young then changed his mind and wandered up the street according to the officer In fact he wandered into tho the city jail escorted by Patrolman Cahoon The officer had shadowed shadowed shadowed shad shad- owed him for several blocks and witnessed his attempts to gain entrance to every house along the street for three blocks the officer said Young was released following his arrest a week ago when an alleged victim refused to press charges t I |