Show ROOSEVELT BREAKS ANOTHER PRECEDENT I WASHINGTON M May 7 CUP UP- UP S President Roosevelt established another another an an- S other precedent today when he expressed ex CX S pr pressed ed the belief that a special proclamation proclamation proc proc- S for Mothers Mother's day on the part of the chief executive was un un- necessary I prefer to think that the tributes which will be paid to mothers will I come simply and spontaneously from fron I our hearts Mr Roosevelt Roosevell said in a I statement His statement In full On the ninth day of May 1914 President Wilson in response to a a I joint resolution of the congress issued is sued a proclamation directing government gov officials to display the United United Unit ed cd States flag flog on all aU government buildings and inviting the people of ol the United States to display the flag at their homes or other suitable places on each second Sunday in I IMay Mayas May as a public expression of our ow love x ve and reverence for the mothers mother of our country In the Intervening years the observance observance observance ob ob- servance of Mothers Mother's day has assumed I Ia a deep and growing significance Itis It II Itis is is not my purpose this thi year jear to issue a special proclamation tion on the subject subject subJect sub sub- as I believe that the intention of ot the American people will be so sc devoted to the cause of that day that thai repeated formal action on the part of the chief executive is unnecessary I prefer to think that the tributes I which will be paid to mothers will come simply and spontaneously from our hearts |