Show Thirty Tigers Answer Call For Practice COLORADO SPRINGS Colo Cob May 7 UP More tP More than 30 athletes have reported to Coach W W. T. T Bully Van De Dc Graaff for spring football practice at Colorado col- col co- co lege Re Van De Graaff anticipates a n maximum of 35 not including five football men competing In track which does not end for three weeks The turnout Is the largest spring football squad in C. C C. C hIs history tor Eight baseball men who also play football were l Included in the group The baseball team wound u up its ts season last week The eight are arc Henry end Joe NaJ Nag Nagy end Cecil Cheney center Paul Deacon Jim Murray Bill Wolf VoU and Shelley Williams backs The track men who will not be beable beable beable able to take part In the spring football football foot toot ball workouts are Haines Simpson Simp Simp- son and Hess linemen and Ml- Ml habick and Neil Nell backs AU All except Simpson earned varsity letters last fall and Simpson pound tackle was captain of the yearling eleven Veterans o of the gridiron who have not been indulging In spring sports Include Alston Aiston guard Dillingham Dil- Dil lingham center and end Walsh quarterback Swartz halfback Corning center and tackle Jankowitz Jankowitz Janko- Janko witz guard and RIley end The bulk of the squad however is made up of oC freshmen or trans trans- fers ers The array of talent is the best C C. C. C has had for several years |