Show Cotton NEW YORK May Mar 7 AP Cotton AP-Cotton Cotton was quiet but steady Tuesday oa on tome some scat scat- promoted by an unfavorable View of excess In the central belt July rallied from 1173 to 1173 and was at that level In the middie middle mid mid- die dle of 02 the afternoon with the central market net to 3 points hither Futures closed steady 2 higher to 6 S lower High Low Last Mey 1176 11 1159 9 2176 July 1178 1172 1173 1178 October 1152 1143 1545 1148 December 1158 1152 1155 January 1161 1165 1155 1157 March 1166 1162 1163 Spot quiet middling middling 1215 NEW ORLEANS May 7 AP Cotton AP-Cotton Cotton fu futures lu lures tures closed steady unchanged to 11 points lower Low Close May 1170 1110 1170 1570 July 1173 1186 1173 1172 October 1149 1143 1142 December 1154 1147 1148 January 1157 1152 1132 1152 March 1165 1163 1158 1158 Spot cotton closed quiet at unchanged quotations sales 9 middling 1222 |