Show NEW EW BOOKLET FOR FOB CANNING i the thc thrifty houseR housewife house house- spring Ever Every wife makes a R K good od r resolution a a a ato to do some canning and before the season is b Pr preserving tone lOne On OB This year ear The Thc Salt Lake Tele- Tele t 1 t Is iJ helping that resolution grim i aJo Hoag r. r To c ca every very housewife It offers a and up to the thc minute service bO booklet t on canning and preserving prepared from the thc most reputable scientific sources this booklet tells how to can and new year B pr fruits vegetables meats make Jellies jams marma- marma ude et pickles It tells how to salt salt for winter down fresh vegetables C beefsteak tongue how to store che e u chicken sandwich meats and salad s in glass jars ors p c Canning Is a relatively simple art r when ben the latest scientific methods iC of the United States bureau of home economics arc applied But 1 this 1 Is b not a government publics publics- ilea tion Not only the spotless federal kitchens but the experimental laboratories laboratories laboratories lab lab- oratories of at several eral state I lilies as os well lc lend nd their most recent recent findings to this new booklet Canning and amI Preserving wast was vas t compiled by Frederic J J. J Haskin t II 1 director of The Salt Lake Telegram IC e J Washington ton Information Bureau Many of the hundred recipes have havet before All An never r been published t p C I hive have been scientifically tested for purity wholesomeness economy MC The booklet is just off oC the press press- J the last word on the thc subject IC 3 To the thrifty housewife this new presents a guide to man many Worth orth while economics In these tc C day dAyt of rising ising food prices it St will http help cut the corners of the thc table budget Canning and Preserving will witt be bet t tint lint to any address Write to The Thc Salt It Lake Tele Telegram ram Washington l Information B Bureau reau for your cur COP copy Inclosing 10 cents Cents to to cover cost postage and hr idling The 48 page pac booklet ith a decorative two two color color cover will wilt be delivered t to your our door with the compliments i of ot The Salt Lake Tele Telegram ram |