Show Personal Notes Miss Donna Day has gone to New NewYork NewYork NewYork York City where she will study art arL Mrs Fred C. C Nelson Park street accompanied b by her son Fred C. C Nelson Jr left Jeet Saturday for tor San Diego for tor an extended va va- cation While in the the- coast city Mrs Nelson will visit with her sister sis ala ter Mrs Roy Kresser Mr and Mrs Richard F. F G. G CIa Clayton Clayton Clay Clay- ton and small son son of or Redwood Cit City Cal Cat are gl e guests ts at the home of ot Mrs Claytons Clayton's parents Mr and Mrs J. J A. A Jenkins on Bryan Brjan ave aye nue Mrs Clayton will be remembered remembered remembered as Miss Isabel Jenkins Mr and Mrs Phillip Berner of ot Youngstown Ohio who have spent the past five live weeks with Mr and Mrs Kenneth Conn 2657 26 7 Thirteenth I East street left Idt Tuesday for tor their home dome Mr tr and Mrs Berner have spent several weeks motoring through h Florida Texas New MexIco Mexico Mex tex texIco ico and California before coming to Salt Lake City Mrs Berner is a sister of or Mrs Conn Cona |