Show 4 rr A s y y j S 'S S 4 r ire rr y p. p lr- lr p r 4 S fin 4 rt Mrs Ardella ArdeIla rea Welch will demonstrate FISH DISHES featuring Broiled Lobster i. i Fried Scallops Senga Sena Salmon r Thursday May 9 2 p. p p.m. m. rn I Basement Auditorium Utah Power Powel Light Co Salt Lake Store y You ou Are Cordially Invited G MODERN WOMEN 11 ire Need Not t monthly pa P ln d W y duo due t to Ia o r A nemie strain t u or cs teri M-teri Diamond and Sold y i all ls for l PILLS INt DIAMOND fe r glee ad adi i i rl To protect poteet your car ear fully S 5 1 w b tt W ui motor oil must JOust do two to 1 bl Imo Res your things 1 tr r giL y rr f b y r o oy fb Q rk Kr K I 1 f r r r l. l r rn rf rh ern i 0 f r n rn r ry r r 1 r f rr U l r 1 r rb rS r'S 1 1 c G S y r r y r r. r f k i F i u y l SY iri rr r r r if funs BoJ Th Bo o L'S S 'S ft q 45 Of Vt Ut J ti w i i L 44 N 4 r J IN 4 r r t i C A nA irn nr 1111 r r M ht r y V. V at atI I Ff r i r u w kId ot Y J n r r Li k b 1 tw n t rf ri N Yr B Co Cart I Frist of r ij J a k Jr ire r n r tJ l h. h a fi v a N ry r rv I s 5 yf rI II 1 j Rte ryn f r 1 aae tU Eft of f r I if r 1 r st to U II Us the thi d i WI aid in tJ J i mons mon's ns n's S It Tt must be on duty It must withstand um nr c during the starting ee period unusual driving stresses S S fie More ore than half of all motor wear o occurs curs curs' in in the five minutes Cars built in in 1932 and since since have greatly increased power and 4 J after you start because straight mineral oils drain away leaving leav leav- speed Bearing pressures and crankcase temperatures have increased in in- 1 Y r i ing nb s parts dry Even in warm weather your motor makes at creased in in proportion Flashing Plashing up pick-up and high speeds make f least a thousand revolutions before the quickest-flowing quickest oil oilcan I i it t necessary to have an oil with enough extra oiliness and film 4 g can reach all parts str strength to withstand the increased load r eco F Only Germ Processed Motor Oil cuts down costly Germ Processed Motor Oil prote protects modern motors y E t day I starting wear It is is the rile only oil that penetrates and combines better because j it has 2 to 4 times the film a strength of any oil a d r s sex oft f with metal surfaces s forming a not Germ Processed It Jt maintains main main- E. E Motor oils generally have no more oiliness more and film strength now Hidden CHidden Quart user that never tarns this high film strength at tool r i I. I x- x than they had 10 years ago Many l new refining methods now used to tomake to drains away Your motor is IS lubricated lu lu- make oils free from carbon and sludge have lowered instead of increased high g temperatures Say ee OK u. u 1 s1 1 sous be before ore you art touch the oiliness and film strength the very qualities on which depends an oils oil's Drain fill with Germ Processed Proc Proc- W t o lb value I 1 r starter 1 Y You ou k know now your our motor lubricating u va ue r esse essed d Oil 01 1 an and d g get et f II till 1 protection protection t. t Ion Ioni S. S G Germ erm P Processed d Oil is IS fr fret free ee from car carbon b on an and d s sludge 1 u d ge t troubles rou bles But Butmore Jubil i C is protected more important the thc Germ Process puts into it 2 to 4 times the film for your our motor I t e strength of straight mineral oil as Timken machine tests have proved 11 e 1 i is 1 CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY COl Est 1875 f q 7 t t. t 1 v k t lO I CO N oeo 1 i r t Cf J Ua tf 1 GERM PROCESSED P R 0 C E 5 5 E D DUa p F f f s Al PARAFFIN EASE BASE t RO 1 MOTOR OIL f I I I V I I mm 1 It fist a pia el t i 1 Ii t a i I I r 1 i it err lA J L a Lb i t I t I t d dd gee dt and d sour sour- c ur Yol YolI The The Travel Bureau at Denver sent With marked state road maps fI They sent booklets that told us what men cv everywhere w were e res P at t R tt houlda ply my sister and me a complete plan for our as os guides ides we drove through h National Na Na- Nato to see sec and hotel and camp directories director director- teo Y nEa trip Travel s 0 eI Bureau PP sern ervice i toe trip trip the the grandest grandet service and all nIl freel free dona Parks and Forests Foresta with ease ies to help us choose places to stay atay station for this free On y rop c 1 ih t IS 0 5 i ti S M S |