Show HOTEL MEN AWAIT I J NATIONAL LEADER Plans for tor entertaining W W. E. E Stead president of ot the In International rna lonal association Hotel Greeters of ot America and Martin C. C Rowley secretary who will arrive hero here May 23 23 13 were outlined at a meeting Monday Mon Mon- da day night of oC Center of ot Scenic America charter No 15 at the Newhouse hotel Ernest C. C Rossiter president of ot the he charter George West Vest and Burt McPherson were appointed dele dele- gates rates to the national convention In Los Log 3 Angeles Juno June 2 to 5 inclusive Ernest Smith and Spencer E. E Forrest Forrest Forrest For For- rest wore were chosen alternates Delegates en route to the convention convention con con- from the cast enst will wUI be en entertained en- en in Salt Lake Lako City by members of ot the tho local charter Many are expected on Juno 1 1 Waldemar Valdemar Anderson was WM chosen is a. a delegate from district No 10 as a potential candidate for tor vice president of ot the international or or- Calvin O. O Jack was wu named secretary of oC the chart charter r. r succeeding Ray H. H Beckett re re signed |