Show Lf L- L L 1 f MET METAL ISSUES 1 I DRIFT LOWER I n. n Stocks drifted a little Ite lower in II another dull duJ session Tuesday on the Salt gait Lake stock exchange Already the he Increase in the treasury price for or nev ly mined silver from Irom 61 cents to cents seems to have Il I its effect as a market Influence t JOt and Bd traders arc taking sideline positions Jons to await the administrations administration's next move In the promised program to raise silver to 12 an ounce raLe siver na t world price of ot silver siver dropped an I e eIght of ot a cent to 72 cents cent Tuesday Eight Issues sold lower A three tee higher and four tour at unchanged prices sl I TintiC Standard yielded 1 15 cents 1 but recovered to to ELL Eureka ureka t Standard declined 5 cents I Ito Horn Silver 1 cent to to SO 0 cents cent Hor 74 4 S North Lily Liy 1 cent to 52 Park to Consolidated 3 cents cent to 43 and City Chief Consolidated 1 cent to 96 Central Cic Standard and Combined p Metals lost Jost a quarter cent each cacho Crown eals Point and Prince Consoli Consolidated Consolidated dated both inactive stocks advanced ad a half hl cent each and Colorado Colo Cob rado gained a quarter cent Mammoth and Walker continued I each and Columbus tead at Clumbus Real and Park Premier also sold unchanged prices 1 dl It |