Show ARRESTS ASKED FOR QUARANTINE Warrants Charge 4 Left Quarters Board of ot health authorities took drastic steps Tuesday to prevent spread of at contagious disease in Salt Sal Lake City when warrants were issued is issued is is- sued for the arrest of four persons who allegedly broke quarantine re reo Three of the persons are arc members member of one family living in quarters that tha house 24 people 16 of or whom are carriers carriers car car car- of ot diphtheria said Dr I L. L C C. Snow Sno city epidemiologist The three persons Dr Snow named and for whom warrants are arc issued are C C. C H. H Chealey his wife Mrs Leona Chealey and his mother Mrs Vivian Chealey alt all of South Main Mam street Dr Snow said the seeds for lor an epidemic epi epi epi- demic of diphtheria have already been in in Salt SaIl Lake City beca because e of public indifference and carelessness careless careless- It ness ness- Two children of at another family In Inthe inthe inthe the house home at South Main Mam street have already died of diphtheria Dr Snow said while two other children of the family were released Monday from a hospital suffering from th the thc same disease Uie There are at present four cases o of diphtheria in the city more than were reported for tor the entire previous year Dr Br Snow said Complaints are also being L issued ed for persons violating scarlet lever fever quarantines Dr Snow said Police have been called on to guard certain houses in Salt Lake Cit City where occupants insist on violating quarantine regulations Dr Sn Snow w said We know o of girls attending public public pub pub- lic lie dances Dr Snow now declared girls girL girLin in whose throats are arc positive diphtheria theria cultures We Ve know of many other persons carriers of scarlet f fever fe Ic- ver frequenting public places Police and court orders seem eem to be the only way to stop this |