Show MALONE VIEWS MANEUVERS OF INFANTRY Ninth Corps Army Chief Sees Troops Play War Game By Dy BILL FLYNN REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS Jordan Narrows May 7 7 In In a dusty rocK rocky sun-baked sun area here today Major General Paul B. B Malone commanding com corn manding officer of the Ninth corps area arca conducted conduct d his annual Inspection tion of tactic tactical il maneuvers b by the Thirty-eighth Thirty infantry All AU troops and officers of the regiment regiment regiment regi regi- ment stationed at For Fort Douglas took part In the mimic war games The inspection began at 8 30 a a. a m. m and concluded late this afternoon General Malone probed each problem problem lem of the maneuvers with trenchant questions that to the civilian observer was a realistic understandable lesson lesson les les- son in the need for peace War is hell War is blood bloody brutal slaughter General Malone remarked once during the cour course e of his inspection inspection tion But it teaches efficiency The maneuvers started Saturday night and Sunda Sunday B By night march the troops went from Fort Douglas to the scene of or the maneuvers After establishing camp at the Narrows on Sunday the troops constructed picture on Page rage Three sive factors w factors w i ire r e entanglements trenches planted machine guns figured figured fig fig- fields of at fire Preparations for an attack by a theoretical enemy that was to advance ad vance from Park City and Wild Wildwood woo a were inspected by General Malone this morning General Malone was as accompanied during his inspection by Major B B. C C. Lockwood Jr plans and training officer officer of of- for the Ninth corps area As the haired gray commander of the army in iii western states conducted his Ins inspection his questions of 0 officers officers of of- regarding the part the they were to play in m the coming attack was a alesson alesson lesson esson in the need for preparedness Once the general questioned a ayoung ayoung ayoung young o officer licer regarding what orders he tie would give to a machine gun company com corn pany that was to cover the retirement ment of an outpost when it first contacted the enemy Rapid Fire Questions Question His rapid fire questions di disclosed closed that the direction of at fire at the gunners gunners' gun gunners gunners ners' ners hidden target was not clear General Malone asked in what direction direction tion the retiring outpost would travel to io contact its first line of defense That route was not fixed Then your gunners might fire Into their own men from the o outpost General Malone queried Yes sir Did you ou serve during the war was the generals general's next question No sir Then you dont don't know exactly what would happen No sir It hIt would be slaughter General Malone said He served during the war In the Philippines Philippin He had commanded th the Twenty third infantry of ot the Second division during the world war So it was with every officer who hesitated In his answers regarding the safety of ot the men under his corn corn- Hand mand General Malone asked each if he le had ever served during the war The Toe reply was us usually ally No Then General Malone would discuss the problem from the standpoint of a actual war conditions and why efficiency add arid preparedness were necessary If f f there should be war war for for the protection pro pro- of ot the men engaged in that war var Watches Maneuvers 1 After his round of ot the outposts and inspection and questioning of ot the officers of of- of the various positions on the three thre lines of oC defense General Malone Maone Ma Ma- lone one retired to headquarters of the regiment and witnessed the defense maneuvers against the attacking enemy enem After the defense phase of the mill mill- tory tary ary problem all aU troops were taken takeno to o the firing range range where all arms went into action as the final event on the day days day's s schedule One machine guns and small arms were used wed Late this afternoon General Maloi Maone Ma Ma- loi one returned to Salt Lake City and with Briga Brigadier ier General W W. G. G Williams adjutant general of the Utah national guard and Governor Henry H. H Blood At 7 p. p m. m he is to tobe tobe toe be e guest of honor at a civic military civic military banquet at the chamber of ot commerce General Malone and Major Lockwood Lockwood Lock Lock- wood will conduct an inspection of all aU buildings building and activities at Fort Doue- Doue las as Wednesday morning and also i inspect inspect in in- the University of at Utah R. R O. O T. T C. C unit The They will leave Salt Lake City ity at G 30 p. p m m. Wednesday day for Laramie Wyo Wo where the they will inspect in the University of Wyoming R B O. O T T. C. C unit their last Inspection Inspect tion before returning to their headquarters headquarters head head- quarters In in S San n Francisco |