Show Science Academy to Open Annual Convention Scientific Utah will be spotlighted Friday and Saturday at the twenty-eighth twenty annual meeting of the Utah Academy of Arts and Sciences in the University of Utah Union building L. L L. L Daines Dames dean of the university medical school and academy president wi will l open the session at an an all executive council dinner at 6 p. p m. m Friday A symposium on natural resources re resources re re- sources of the state will follow in inthe inthe Inthe the firt general meeting slated for 8 p. p m. m It will be directed by the Utah Natural R Resources sources association association tion and Dr Dilworth Walker Valker economics economics eco ceo professor at nt the university will serve as chairman Nine Will Vill ill Speak Nine experts will canvass possibilities for state development in 10 minute talks They are Dr George R. R fl Hill Hili speaking on Utah A Utah A National Playground Ralf Raif R. R Woolcy United States geological geo- geo eo- eo logical survey engineer New Vater Wa Wa- ter Supplies for lor Utah Dr T. T CAdams C C. Adams Cheap Power Possibilities Possibilities ties Dr V. V M. M Tanner Wild Life Problems Dr A. A M. M Woodbury The Proposed Bird Rookery Is Island Island Is- Is island land Refuge A A. R. R Croft Watershed Watershed Water Vater shed Community Relationships William Villiam Peterson Land Utilization Utilization tion in Washington County R. R AHart A A. Hart state state- P PV W V A engineer The Public Works Program and S. S R. R De Dc Boer State Plan for tor Utah Saturdays Saturday's program will open with a council meeting at a. a m. m followed by a second general meetIng meet- meet In lag Ing at 9 a a. a m. m at which academy business will be transacted and committees appointed Professor Ray Marsell MarscH of ot the University of Utah department ol of geology will deliver an illustrated lecture on A Recent Airplane Reconnaissance of the Plateau Province of Utah and Arizona as the morning feature Sectional Meets Meet Thereafter the academy will re resolve resolve resolve re- re solve Itself into sectional meetings Chairmen of ot the several sections follow Social science Dr Dilworth Walker Valker physical sciences Professor sor Arthur L L. Crawford biological sciences Dr Bert L. L Richards arts and letters Professor ProCessor Harrison R R. Merrill At the conclusion of or the morning session academy members wll lunch in the university cafeteria a athe at atthe atthe the Union building Professor Merrill Mer Mer- rill nil serving as toastmaster A second business meeting is slated for p. p m. m at which committee com corn reports will be heard after which sectional sessions will re re- re sume All meetings will be open to the public it was announced Officers Given Ghen Officers of the academy Include Dr Daines Dames president Lowr Lowry Nelson Nelson Nel Nel- son professor of rural social economics economics economics eco eco- at Brigham Young university university sity first vice president O. O W V Israelson professor of irrigation and drainage Utah State Agricultural tural Lural college second vice president Vasco M. M Tanner professor o of zoology and entomology at Brigham Brigham Brig- Brig ham tiam Young university secretary secretary- treasurer The executive council includes C C. L. L Forsling director of ot the Great Grea Basin experiment station of the national na na- na- na forest service Dr Milton Bennion professor of ot philosophy and secondary education University sit sity of Utah and M. M Wilford Poul Poul- son professor of ot psychology Brigham Brigham Brig Brig- ham Young university |