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Show Spring Valley Oil Field There has .been considerable activ-it3' activ-it3' in the Spring Valley oil field, Uinta county, W3'oming, tho last 3ear. Tho rofinory built nnd operated by tho Pittsburg-Salt Lako Oil company has been running steadily sinco about July, and is now taking care of tho production pro-duction of that field. TI1C3' havo built a pipo lino of about four miles in length to neighboring companies who are producing. Tho following companies com-panies havo been drilling during the Sast Ecason: International Consoli-atcd Consoli-atcd Oil compan3'. Standard Reservo compans. Pittsburg-Salt Lako Oil company com-pany and Fisher & Sou. Several other companies arc making preparations to commence active work as soon ns tho season opens in the spring. Tho refined re-fined products moet with a ready aalo, the demand being greater than tho supply, sup-ply, so that the futuro of tho field is well assured. The prices paid for crude oil and for refined products are more than is cenorally paid in other dis-tricts. dis-tricts. Tho field is extensive and leases can bo obtained nuito easily. K Tho government roport on tho Produo- K tion of Petroleum in 1007," ;mst out, W states that of tho now fields m tho H,' United States, Wyoming gives tho K- grcatest promiso for tho futuro. Mb |