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Show DR. C. W. H1GGINS I I j Ib tho oldest and only reliable scientific specialist In Salt Lake City. j ) IF ALL YOU WHO ARE '1 NEED OF A SPECIALIST WILL CALL ON ME FIRST YOU WILL NOT HAVE SO 1 MM MANY DOCTOR BILLS TO PAY. I ft I g Salt Lake Microscopic Medical Institute I 1 j 1 , DR. C. W. HIGGINS, M. D., Mgr. and Prop. III: I . NEMVO-SEXUAL DEBILITY CURED 1 ij ? I Nervo-Sexual debility is a. term which I use to designate a decline of power In tho general system, nnd also a 1 I taitu S loss of certain special function and powers. No matter what tho cause. It Ib always necessary In such cases to cor- . uert rcct defects bo ns to supply the true elements of lost force. I I at rli This Is the keynote of Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness. Premature Decline, Lost Power and other wealcncM- F ui j es, all Included under tho swceplnc term. "Nervo-Sexual Debility." H I u I The euro of these Infirmities Implies tho restoration of tone In overy organ of the body and tho renewal or ma H . f Nerve Impulse of force which governs and controls all organs. I solved this problem a few years ago by Btudy alons EJ i ; f S tho lino of chemistry of tho human body, and my discovers' was that of mean hy -which 1 can revitalize the pow- Q i I ers of the organism po as to euro Nervo-Scxual Debility In any of its forms or stages of developmenL In brief. I HI 1 j I enablo tho process of naturo to remove waste tissue and supply now; with tho elcmenta which are added to tho M i happ- system go new forces that establish and maintain tho natural powe'rs of tho body. Thus I euro Nervo-SexuaJ DobU- J ; Jrr- lty to stay cured. 1 1 jj1" VARICOCELE AND ITS REMEDY I Ifl I B Scrotal Varicocele has been dencrlbcd as a creeping disease. It silently steals upon Its victim like a -thief at nlpht S : nnd beforo he Is really awaro of Its presonco great and damaging Inroads are made upon his constitution. Tho voln n surrounding tho spermatic cord becamo enlarged and engorged with Impure blood and diseased tissues. At tlmoa this ' Aathe condition may bo accompanied with a dull, dragslng pain In tho small of tho back, extending down into tho parts, low W rino spirits, weakness of bodv and brain, nervous dobillty, partial or complete loss of tho sexual powers, and not lnfro- K .. jr . qnentlv decline of tho general health. All theso disagreeable symptoms soon dlnnppear completely nnd forever undor my M ' Varicocele cure, which la safe, painless and bloodless. Evory clot of stagnant blood and overy fiber of diseased tlssua H ft - Airs are driven from tho Infected parts, normal circulation Is re-established throughout tho pelvic region, the weakened or- B Stuart cans become strong again and sturdy manhood Is restored. M 1 W pointn REFLEX AND ASSOCIATE DISEASES I i i j ! I bra wii Are thoso which aro present and act to aggravate and favor tho progresn of the main malady. ' I never dismiss a cass ; f placer? until cured in every particular. If the case Is complicated with Hydrocele (dropsy of tho scrotum). Hemorrhoids. Fls- M , B Th sure, Fistula, or any form of disease. I euro such additional complaint also, so that tho euro may be porfoct and per- H fj manent. l ' i?1 Tr P.eflcx effects of all pelvic complaints aro destructive to tho tono of tho Sympathetic Nerves. Tho deblULitlng ef- r. an frets on the gerferal health and strength are demonstrated by such manhood sapping agents aa Varicocele, Strlctur. .ura. C Blood Poison and Discharge-producing VJniB. I euro both causes and effects and restore men oo victimized by their bir An own folly or by Inheritance of Blood Taint. H BeJln Personal end Correspondence Consultation FREE. Addreas m j! Office, Rooms 1, 2 and 3, 28 West Third South Street I " " eeninp 1 ;n"d red rfV |