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Show mm in west hue J city ! -DeTelopmeiit Going Ahead Con- i slantly. ny. I An event of tho year of grenfc im- ';, f portance to tbe Daly West Mining com- 30 t0f.' j pany was the reopening of the Ontario cragf' (jraf tunnci which drams tbo lojver ? S- Ievels f not s!y thc old 0ntarl" "!inn :lin8tifl "t tho Daly West. As.a. result there nnl- been a renewed activity in all. of at P.0.1- ' the properties of tho Daly West Mining wn ! i company affected by tlm tunnel, and iof eT ; principally in tbo Daly West. In spite of the unfavorable smelting situation e ln! and the great handicap under which j35onB., tfcjg cornpany was laboring, duo to the vor , useless condition of tho Ontario tuunel, ig-ho-f ' thev distributed to tho stockholders in nmerow.. dividends for the veav of 1907 thc sum in fc!' of $378,000. For the past tiirco years on ? tho company has been forced to con-lino con-lino its energies to the upper levels ol. 00 ji. I tho mine, and vrhilo tho results have j lianas a Qen very K!tt.isfa(.,ory? they aro noth-olidaJwh.IV noth-olidaJwh.IV ing compared with what they could md11 iavo been had I he company beenablo OTt Jh-'to develop the western portions oi the for rXr4 mine and go to the deep. The Daly of tb. 1 :' West has a total dividend record to its propo5lY credit of .5,S77.000 up to the month ol December, 1907. and all indications tbec0t?' point to the continuation of handsome Hacke'b distributions for many years to come. .7 Improvements have gone steadily fce-pre""' ahead in spite of tho many handicaps lit ak the company has had and tho dovelop- TbeJM. 'mont is hichly gratifying to .the man- r interCffl agement. Tho work on tho Little Bell, 'ath aDoi of which tho company owns a. 20 per ' ".ent interest, was stopped for a con- oocrty -'i-i fiiderable tinio on account of. the ex- 5-odbe,t?2 ! cecdingly wet souson. and since tho the b5rf resumption of that work there ban been ana a production, of. a large tonnage of is i tbfll 'A high-grado ore on that ground. Thc raiso that was made from t lie 900-foot level of the Dalv West mino up through to the Little Bell workings has made connections and has entirely drained the latter properly. The minors are at present engaged in tho worl; of enlarging en-larging the drift and getting it in shapo for Die resumption of mining operations. This raise has been in oro for moro than 200 feet in the Dalv West territory, and tho company will be ablo io mi no a great doal of very tine oro from that portion of the mine boforc reaching tho lines of Die Little Bell property. At the present timo thc company is sinking a Jargo operating shaft to tap the Ontario drain tunnel, and recently this shaft cut a fissure in tho quartzile that, carried more- than a foot of high-grade high-grade Eilver-lead ore. This has not been opened up, us tho company is at present pushing down I ho shaft with l.lio .greatest speed possible. Ono very significant feature of tho fissure, how-! how-! over, is the fact that it shows the highly high-ly miueralizod character of Iho foot wall country rock in which tho shaft ia being sunk. At present the deepest workings of the mine aro 1550 feet below be-low the collar of thc shaft and the opening of tho new levels will dopeud on the shaft going down -100 foot below be-low its present level. Tho officers and directors of the Drily West Mining company are the following follow-ing well-known gentlemen: J". E. Bamberger, Bam-berger, president; IL G. McMillan, vice-president: vice-president: J. Barnett, secretary; W. S. McCoruick. treasurer, who, with F. J. Hagcnbarth and W. H. Dickson,, com-, pose the directorate. The properties aro m charge .of thc following well-known and experienced myie operators: Ernest Bamberger, general manager; P. L. Williams, general superintendent of mines; 13. L. Talbot, superintendent of Daly West Mining company; F. W. Sherman, superintendent of Daly Weat mill. i |