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Show The Health Dept. In your bodily system Is looked after by millions of Httlo soldiers In your 'blood those corpuscles constantly fighting for you. If this army is well fed and kept healthy and strong, by taking Hood's Sarsapanlla, it will destroy tho uncountable uncount-able horde of germ-enemies that nre attacking you every moment of your lifo. Hood's Snrsaparilla will keep you free from or will cure you of scrofula, eczema, rheumatism, catarrh, anemia, that tired feeling and all such ailments. Millionaires 8 Eat ' I Grape-Nuts j It has helped some of them I make their money. 1 "There's a Reason." I 1 mONDS If y With the best values this atore has ever presented. V The entire stock goes at ruinous prices. jranlloba. has GTS elevatora, an.1 thirteen warehouses; Saskatchewan sixty o'evators and fourteen wurehousea and British Co-lumbl.a Co-lumbl.a three elevators. (have you ever! TRIED THE BITTERS? i If not, you don't know how quickly I you caii obtain relief from Heart- H burn, Bloating, Nausea or Headache, ffl lllll Hosfetter'sl I lSi Stomach 1 iL. Bitters! H 2E5EteSc2i has been prov-i iSlSW'ng for 55 1 I ?enrB tuat H is 1 1 r and Malaria. I j worth keeping. 1 Tribune Want Ads. Bell phono 5201. Ind. phono 300-348. McDonalds Jamous Merry Widow Chocolates and Pure Cocoa Made thousands ol new friends during 1908 Though McDonalds Goods have stroirg, hold on Salt Lake people, these products are bigger than-local conception---they are known in homes all over the United States and abroad. I McDonalds name everywhere is synonymous synon-ymous of highest quality. Perhaps no othermanulacturer in the world enjoys greater reputation than McDonald , for high grade cjiocolates and cocoa. j Those perna wha'T'wl seeking a safe deposiLor E ml their idle .funds, as eW vA those who desire to GGijmVmjmAm new hanking relationHHAff, cordially invited to VHjj' J gate the facilities oforde9Hp this company. B Ju'i A New Year's resolntiop which would be worthy j consideration of both old anja yonng, is to open a saviflgs -gjfe account and add to it regu- Jmji larly during the coming year, This company accepts sav- K; ings deposits in any amouritR and pays 4 per cent interest, fl compounded semi-annually. Salt Lake Security H j & Trust Co. H 32 Up. Main St. W I 1men ijlephoiie usj I yourwantsimtodeliver j four ga?f y0U at thJf earliest po5moment M Thafcishave ojW dwh messj; and kee Lhem f convenience. aRMM'l' j SjLre the Cars Stop I f Books for umWf - buoJneBa ceotor. 01wv j Janudry Clearance Sale ofm Oriental Rugs and NoveltieMt j I Complete stock will jje on saie at prices that make them the rarest of Bargains. Must have to rmW ' a mense mportation yow on the way. Hugs of all sizes; Hammered brass, and other far eastern t alllM ' Oriental Art SmL if flw hsbma -rmmmmmm |