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Show Record Year for Salt Lake Stock Exchange A roview of iho Salt Lake Stock and Mining exchange for the year 90S comes vory closo to being an account of tho successes of Tintic mines in that briof poriod. Tintic has provided most of the fuel with which stock-' buying fires have been kept, alivo sinco last January, tho result being that the exchango has experienced tho busiest and happiest year of its history. A total of 29.169,201 Bharcs of stocks sold, tho market valuo of which is $17,001,-805.37, $17,001,-805.37, clearly demonstrates the propriety pro-priety of the local exchange's claim to being tho most substantial mining stock medium known and available to the investors of tho country. The vear began with tho prestige of tho Colorado stock on the wauo, a stock that was tho main feature of trading during 1007. This loss of tho Colorado is only explained by tho fact that tho compa'uy in opening its mng-nifi'cent mng-nifi'cent resources had passed from tho speculative column, illustrating, too, that the buying of stock is more attractive at-tractive for speculation rather than for investment purposes. Features of Yoar. It was tho Sioux Consolidated slock that stepped in and exchanged places with the Colorado. Aud tho Sioux was closoly pursuod by tho Iron Blossom stock for first lionorH. When, tho Sioux really hnd tho oro. it" ceased lo have that speculative vnluo in a measured mea-sured degree, but it still was an attractive at-tractive issue, was well supported by its manv friends, and still retains no small part of its popularity. Tho Iron Blossom lias been of a spoculativo valuo all along, and that, gives an added valuo always to mining stocks. It also ha;i been supported strongly, and the increase in-crease in tho year's business is duo in a very large, measuro to the activity in these two issues. Salt Lako City from the very bo-giuniug bo-giuniug has beou a strong supporter of tho Ohio Copper slock, and, as tho company atoadily brought back order tn its chaotic financial condition during dur-ing the latter part of 190S, tho stock naturally increased in value, until it becamo "one of the most active of the higher-priced stocks. The Ohio is vory near tlie demonstrated pointt nnd before be-fore 1009 has passed into history it will find its proper nicho on tho stock markets, nnd that station is generally conceded to bo higher than any of its previous selling levels. This stock has uniformly sold from 25 to 50 cents per share higher in the east than on tho local markets. Local Market Stands Alone. Thoro was a coincident and happy recovory to stock values locally as 1908 gradually grow away from tho of-focts of-focts of tho panic of J907, but from first to last tho Salt Lako market is wonderfully froo .from tho cauaos that bring disaster to the eastern markets. This is explnined by tho fact that Salt Lake, and tho buying territory tributary tribu-tary to this city, suffered less from tho panic than oilier sections of tho country less well endowed with live resources ami the advjintages of generous- wealth in generous spending hands. Tho local investor has looked mainly to tho conditions that obtained in tho mines, with not so much regard to the metal linirkot or to the universally univer-sally feared daj's of a national election. elec-tion. That is why tho local market has boon strong when others havo been weak; that i why stocks sell higher than thoy would elsewhere, and, perhaps, per-haps, higher than thoy should hero in somo instances, when so mauy conditions condi-tions tend to create a fouling of unrest or retrenchment. A study of tho table attached, showing show-ing tho high -and low levels of tho principal stocks during 190S, is mado more interesting by reason of tho key showing which stocks have recovered strength in 1908 and. succocded in holding hold-ing it. rather than to start the vear high and end it at a low valuation ebb. This illustrates th;it tho general tendency of tho past year lias been a steady improvement in market valuo. Those stocks that, began strong and closed weaker, represent as a rulo companies com-panies whoso market for ores has been cut off during the year owing to tho .closing down of the smelt ors at tho tall of Iho courts. Such mines as tho Grand Central, Victoria and Mammoth havo nothing wrong with their resources; re-sources; thoy merely lackod ;i uiarkct for them; and they can look the now vear squarely in tho face, certain of happier roturns during 1509, on account of tho successful operation of tho Knight smeller at Tintic and tho gen-oral gen-oral clearing of tho Utah smelting situation. sit-uation. Site Is Donated. There is no disputing the fact that 190S was a prosperous year for tho exchango itself as well as for tho members. mem-bers. Preserving first mention is tho fact that Samuel Newhouso donated a building lot, valued at $75,000, in his addition to tho business portion of tho ciU, stating that this generous action was derived from an appreciation of tho grcnt good tho exchango is capable capa-ble of, and is, doing in tho community, and as a tribnto to one of tho most I Sales in 1908 by Months f Month. Shares Sold. Valuo. S I January - 2,205,811 949,739.35 I ; February 1,135,301 640,764.84 March 2,792.969 1,319,561.30 X April 2,212,765 1,007,125.40 f I May 2,770,379 1,104,692.27 f t .Tunc 4,666,519 2,848,579.05 f 1 July 2,390,773 1.690,235.94 5 j August 1,976,662 1,282,570.97 f 2 September - 1,914,945 1,348,647.04 ? October 1,878,848 1,388,135.02 g i November 2,991,374 1,842,821.49 I December (to 24th inc.) .. 2.232,855 1,581,932.70 I $ J I Total, 190S 29,169,201 $17,004,805.37 c . rf Tear 1907 17,725,856 $13,997,165.68 5 Year 1906 14,555,391 1-4 9,479,983.52 Year 1905 7,246,581 2,316,136.51 Year 1904 6,551,755 1-2 1.871,562.87 tti" " ' " n-j: y?.ft-4f vy r important and fair-dealing exchanges in tho land. Tho exchange did not hositnto to accept this offer of -Mr. Ivcwhouse, and it was decided at once to erect a $75,000 building for tho cxclusivo use of the exchange which would be an ornament to tho city. 3n 1007 the executivo board of the exchango decided that no roturns would bo given officially of transactions in tho stocks not listod on tho regular board. While this has aroused considerable consid-erable criticism, and lias entailed no ond of extra work and useless labor on tho newspaper fraternity, every ono will agree that it has had ;i beneficial offect. tumorous stocks have beou olo-vnted olo-vnted from the unlisted lo the listod cljiss, thus providing for the iuvestor and Iho slockphlder tho safest guarantee guar-antee that honest and fair dealing will be the rule in regard to the same. Tho Newhouse, Boston Consolidated, Silver. King Conlition, Mason Valley, nnd a hak-scoro or more of Tintic stocks all wero elevated into tho listed columu. Thoro still aro numerous stocks activo on the exchange's unlisted unlist-ed rail that owe it to tho stook and to their stockholders to como into Bafo company, and man- will undoubtodly ontor during 1009. It is not. so mucn 1 lint all stocks should bo listod for protection, pro-tection, cither; but thoso with tho interests in-terests of tho city at heart should remember re-member that tho exchange is gathering together tho dollars now to put into tho new exchange building, which will bo one of tho handsomost monuments to tho industrial groatnoss of Utah. Juno Record Mouth. As shown bv tho tablo of monthly saloa, Juno holds tho record for tho yoar, and for all time, as far as the past is concerned. It was during June that tho Sioux Consolidated company oncouutered its first oro, and tho stock was so greatly in domand that tho brokora worked until midnight, ovon-ing ovon-ing after evonlng cleaning up tho business, bus-iness, of transactions ono with another. an-other. It was a wild sight. Fortunes wero being mnde by investors and brokers, while Caller Boveridgo and Seorotaiy Shorten very nearly wero driven to nervous collapse in the endeavor en-deavor to place on record all tho sales made. It waB a trj-ing oondition for both, and both ncquittcd themselves splendidly. It should bo mentioned bore that all tho businea9r transacted on tho Salt. Lako exchuiigo is not exclusively on Utah ordors. Thoro is hardly a week but what an eastern papor printa a trlbnto to the soundness of Utah iniuing propositions, niinoa that back up effort honestly t and intelligently applied ap-plied with dividends, and customers with a regularity born only from confidence con-fidence aro scattered from Now York to San ."Francisco, whoso orders, sonfc by wiro, composo no inconsiderablo part of the business dono here. A great many brokers daily sond wiro quotations to individual customers, and none but good customers would .-justify such treatment. Tho oxchnngo has. closed Us happiest year, nnd as an institution it is stronger strong-er and more firmly rooted than over in its history. Tho now yoar dawns brightly. Menibors unanimously agree that it will be productive of bettor returns re-turns than 1008, for oach one bears an optimistic tendoncy to his work, safely tomporod with honesty nnd tho desiro to do tho best for thoso who givo their stock business to members. 4- HIGH AND LOW LEVELS -I- (Principal Stocks). -I- r High. Low. v AJox .42 $ .18 : Beck Tunnel l,r2'2 Ad Bingham Araal.. .29 .09 Black Jack .... 1.00 .20 r Bullock 152 .01 j- Carls?, 03 .18 Coutury .58 .10 v 'I' Colorado 4.76 2.02V2 !- J Columbus Con... 2.32y2 1,30 I- Con. Mercur 41 .30 v Crown Point ... .40 Vi V Daly-Judgo . . . G.00 3.00 Daly West 11.00 7.00 Emerald 30 .10 Grand Oontral.. 3.00 2.65 j Indian Queen , .19 ,07Ja '? Ingot , .05 .01 v Iron Blossom . . 2.90 .21V2 -4 KoyBtone 41 .14 King William . .40 .35 Little Boll 2.85 1.30 -I- Littlo Chief ..... .20 .06 v Lower Mammoth. .93 .21 J. Mammoth 2.25 1.65 Mason Valley .. 2.80 1.30 4. May Day 56 .24 v I- Mountain Lako . .93 .26 Nevada Hills . . 3,40 1.10 -I- New York 23 .03 Ohio Copper . 6.60 1.05 Prince Con . . 1.80 .90 : Sacramento 03J2 -02 v r Scottish Chief .08 .OlVi -'s- Sovou Troughs . .44 .18 Silver Shiold ... .23 .03. fr Sioux Con 1.65 .12 S. Columbus C.. .86 .34 I S. Swansea 02 Swansea Con 48 .25 S. King Coalit.. 6.00 3.00 I Totro 18 .02 I Tintic Oontral... .HVa .03 Tintic Silver ... .12V'a .00 v U. Sam Con 1.40 .36 Utah O. of Tin-. .27 .09 Utah Mino 3,90 1.40 Viator Oon 20 .05 Victoria 2.40 .90 I Wabash 1.40 .07 2 Yankoo Oon 65 .30 Zonoli 38 .03 j- denotes stocks ending strong- or at tho close than at tho bo- ! v- ginning of the year. -j -I' -I I J ! I !! ;-I"II-I'"i"itI'M'Ii- 5v,SH |