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Show Beet Sugar Industry I The year 1908, which is the nineteenth since the establishment of the growing of supar beets and the manufacture of supar in this stat and Idaho, records another year of great totals in the number num-ber of acres planted to beets, the ton-nape ton-nape per acre of beets harvested and tho pounds of refined sugar produced. The late spring retarded the planting to a great extent and tho fear was indulged in-dulged that it would uot bo much of a season anyway, and what was the use of planting. Just tho same, a greater acreage was plantod to beets, both in' I Utah and Idaho, and when the harvest time came the growers were astonished I to find that their tonnage per acre averaged av-eraged above that of previous seasons. ; further, analysis showed that while j thero was a slightly lesser percentage i of saccharine matter, tho net results ' of the season's ruu were entirely sat- 5sfactor", and tho product in pounds exceeded that of 1907. A satisfactory condition to the local beet sugar producers is the continued evidence that the consumption of sugar is yearly increasing and that it is 50 per cent, per capita more now than ten ycurs ago, having risen from (51 pounds 'H in 1900 to 7G.1 pounds in 1907 per capita. These signs indicate to iho beet growers that the maximum con- sumption per capita has not yet been reached. That the year just ended was the banner year in the production of re-fined re-fined sugar in( Utah and Idaho is showu by the following figures: Beet sugar made In Utah and . Idaho In 190S (pounds) ISO.000,000 Retail value at 6c per pound. .510.SOO.000 Amount paid farmers for beets 3,000,000 jH Amount paid out In wages 1,000,000 Money brought Into the states for sugar .-. 5.000,000 IH Amount paid railroads (or IH freight 1.000.000 Tons ot coal consumed at fac- torles ." 100,000 I Tons of lime rock consumed at factories 60.000 Money paid out In sugar stock dividends $ 750.000 Capital Invested In plants 11.000,000 |