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Show City Food Inspector Also Recommends Recom-mends Custom Storage Plant for Zion; ' LEGISLATURE IS TO BE " ASKED TO PASS MAS ORB Interesting Suggestions Are Embodied in Official's Annual An-nual Report. Salt .Lako City is to havo a cily market for tho farmers and a custom storage -plant, if City Food Inspector Walter X Frazicr has his way. Ho is recommending tho establishment of both of these things in his annual report to the mayor and city council, -which la now in courso of preparation. A city market has been agitatod for some' time, bat nothing has over coino of the agitation. Several sites havo been mentioned, but the most likely ono ie between Second and Third West and First South and South Temple streets. Hero stalls would be built, according to Inspector Frazier's plans, and tho farmers frorn all over the county would go with their products. The farmers would bo allowed to sell either to merchants mer-chants or private individuals, without t a license. The only cost to the farmer would bo the rental of tho particular stall he occupied. This system', on a small, scale, was ouco in vocue hero, and. la in vogue in many of tho castom cities of tho country. Custom Storage Plant. v j The proposed custom storage plant I would be after tho milk depot system.-1 The -plant would bo run either by the I . city or by privato enterprise, as the city council might choose. All the meat shipped into the city would pass through this plant and there be inspectod bf city food inspectors before being distributed dis-tributed over the city. As the consignee con-signee wished to withdraw the meat he ' could do so, leaving tho remainder in cold storage at the plant. In this wav virtually all the unsold or undisposed of meat in the citv would always be open to inspection. Tho consignee would be charged a nominal rental, which would provide for the maintenance of the plant, according to 3Mr. Frazier's It is the intention of Mr. Frazier I and others interested in this work to try to get a bill through the legislature modeled after the United States pure food bill. If this is accomplished every ev-ery carcass received at tho plant will have to be. accompauied by a certificate from the slaughterer to the effect that the meat was pure and -wholesome and v not diseased at tho time of killing or Gbippinc. Mr. Frazier's idea is also to set apart ono room for a milk depot in tho custom storaeo plant and subject sub-ject every pint of milk shipped into tho city to inspection by ciiy food inspectors. inspec-tors. Another Recommendation. Mr. Frazior is also recommending in his report that v.'eiahls and measures bo thrown iuto his department. This is now a soparatc department. Tho duties of the incumbent aro to inspect all weights and measures as often as once a year, which is not quito often cnoiiii according to the city food inspector's idea. "ALr. Frazier's plan is to make it a part of the inspector's daily duties to test (he scales and other measures at nnj' place that he may visit and incorporate in-corporate tho result of his lest in his regular daily report, In this way the merchant would bo kept in constant expectation ex-pectation of a visit from the inspector and there would bo no short weight or measure imposed upon tho public. To enable him to givo all his time lo the dairies, Mr. Frazior is asking for a milk inspector. By doyoting all. o most, of his lime to the dairies, Mr Frazicr believes he could cut off manv of tho impurities in. milk at i Is source. Tho milk inspector could catch the rest of them at the custom storage plnnt and pure and healthful milk and. butler thus be insured. |