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Show Park City In spite of a mineral production extending ex-tending well beyond tho hundred-million-dollar mark, the mining camp of Parle City) Utah, liko tho long-distance runner it is, now is getting its second wind for tho second heat of its phenomenal phe-nomenal performances. Park City is one of the wonderful sections of tho mineralized west. Its minora! zone is extensive and the development effotr already centered thero has been doiio at comparatively shallow levels, and life feature of mining in 1908 has been the'manner in which virgin ground lias responded to the work of mine owners. own-ers. The Park Oily- mining companies have distributed the. sum of $3u,G14,SfiO to stockholders in the shapo of dividends, divided as follows: Ontario MInlnj? company .. .?13,I)32,C00.00 Silver Kinff 11.603.485.00 Daly West 6,S77,000.00 Daly l',025,000.00 Quincy l,0Cl,S7o.00 Daly Judge 225,000.00 Total . .$35,614,860.00 The year 1908 closed on a condition at Park far mora gratifying than it had dawned. Following the panic of 1907 tho metals, silver and lead, went down to such an extent that pronts wero sadly sad-ly cut, and added to this was the decision de-cision of tho courts to tho offoct that ull the largo smelters of tho Salt Lako valley should close down on account of tho injury they woro doing to tho surrounding sur-rounding farming zono. For the first six months of last year, therefore, tho Park City mines wero forced to cease ore shipments as usual. The time, how-over, how-over, was devoted to gaining better depth throughout the camp nndyin exploring ex-ploring theretofore untouched territory. terri-tory. Ontario Tunnel Regained. To tho Daly "West, Daly and sovoral other companies tho year will stand out prominently ns tho calendar period in which tho famous Ontario drain tunnel was reclaimed. For over two years this great avenue into tho mountains wa.8 closed by disastrous caves, and throughout through-out that period tho Daly West management man-agement has fought to bring tho tunnel into shape onco more, with final very successful results. Tho Daly West and other mines had driven their shafts as deep as possible, and it was to the tunnel that eveo'ono looked to drain off tho water that, kept steadily climbing climb-ing into thcso various shaft workings. The big feature of Park City mining in 3908 was the magnificent wnv in tvhich tho Silver King Coalition Minos company added to tho extent of ores for future disposition, nnd, in spite of tho smelting and low metal prico embargo em-bargo and tho six months of normal production, tho manner in which the company distributed profits to share holders. Last month the directors post- nl thn cnrmrl mi?i r f nrl- rlirWlnnrl nf $187,500, and an extra dividend of liko amount somewhnt in the form of u holiday holi-day remcmbrnnco to its stockholders. Nothing could servo belter to ilbis-trato ilbis-trato tho wonderful resources jof this organization than such a distribution, when tho prico of the motals contained within the ores was so below tho logical and usuul level. It was in tho past month that Captain Cap-tain Duncan Macvichic, one of tho most prominent mining engineers of the country, mado a report of tho Silver King possessions which crcatod a profound pro-found impression wherovcr tho roport was read and studied. In touching on tho resources of the mine tho roport concludes con-cludes as follows: Ore Reserves. The actual nnd probable ore at present available Is estimated at 00,039 tons of ;t gross vuluo of $5,580,780.90, or a not valuo of $3.671, 61S.S9. Tlicro lias been no Bpcclal effort to block out largo reserves, but rather to follow tho oro and develop It as It Is mined, Tho oro bodies aro largely replacements re-placements of tho Hmo and occur In Irregular Ir-regular maasos, mo that by adopting this method, there Is much saved In not bolng compelled to drive through barren ground. The property has advantages beyond thoao usunlly mot with. Tho area covered by Its workings Is bo cxtcnslvo as to make economlo work possible at a great number num-ber of places and enablo the management to keep up a largo and uniform production. produc-tion. Possible Ore. In estimating' tho possible tonnago of tho undeveloped area I havo used as ft basis tho production of that portion already al-ready mined. By reference to tho map of tho underground works and to tho longitudinal longi-tudinal Hoctlon, It will bo seen that tho productive area of the different systems follow llssures In a northeasterly-southwesterly direction. Tho Silver King eyo-tcm eyo-tcm hus been mined a distance of 7100 feot on tho strlko, yielding 64 tons per lineal foot, leaving a dlslanco of 0000 foot undeveloped. Tho Creacont-Alllanco Bystcm ha been opened 2000 foot on tho strike of thu lodo, yielding elghty-nlno tons per lineal foot. Tills area Is by no means exhausted and will produce an equal tonnago to that already mined. An additional 4800 feet remains unexplored. In computing tho possibilities of tho undeveloped un-developed area, I nav used tho production produc-tion of tho Bllvor King Bratem of Blxty-four Blxty-four tons per lineal foot, tho following results re-sults being obtained: Tons. Sliver King system, undeveloped, 8000 feet by 64 Ions por lineal foot ,ta 512,000 Crescent-Alliance system, undeveloped, undevel-oped, 4500 feet, 64 tons per lineal fool 307,200 Between tho Hanauer tunnel and Elephant slopo In tho AHIanco tunnel, 800 feet on- tho piano of the fissure, 250 feet on tho strlko S00 rcet times 5 feet ,j .... .155,555 Total 974,755 While thero Is every evidence that tho ore will continue on tho strlko of tho ore-bearing ore-bearing contact and llssures into tho undeveloped un-developed territory and yield as much per lineal foot as that portion mined, to bo conservative, I have taken one-half of the above estimated tonnage (071,765 tons) or -187,377 tons as tho possible oro. It Is safe to assume that tho undeveloped undevel-oped ore will bo wortli as much ns tho piusent availahlo ore, as sampled by mo, which yields J51.76 per ton, net, giving for tho undeveloped area on the known oro-bnarlng systems a total not value of 525.226,633.52. Conclusion Considering tho very extensive ex-tensive area owned by this companv in a well mineralized zone, Jepfl than one-half of which linB been developed, also that the undeveloped area Is so -favorably located lo-cated that Its productiveness can hardly bo questioned, I am impressed with future possibilities and predict a long period of profitable operations. Good For Years Yet. Thus it easily is seen that tho Silver King Coalition Mines company is good for years of profitable mining yet, and that stockholders will bo gathering in profits long after tho present official family has been gathered to its rest. And the Silver King properties realh can bo said to bo typical of tho camp. Tho futuro can best bo iudg'id bv tho past, and tho untouched part of tho mineral zono contains even moro promise prom-ise than thnt portion now under development. devel-opment. "W. "V. Eice, one of tho Silver , King officials and one who knows Park City from end to end, recently expressed the opinion that tho undeveloped sections sec-tions of tho camp would bo found as rich as any part so far explored, for there was no moro goneroiiBlv mineral ized camp in the country than Park. History will deal g'encrously with Park Citv and with lhof,e whoso names have been linked with tho develop-I develop-I ment "of the ercat mines there. When the Ontario tunnel was brought under subicction, the management of the Dal- West company bognn tho long-delayed long-delayed task of driving tno tunnel on into the Daly West territory, Tho work undertaken, the amount required to 1 reach tho resources on tho tunnol level. : would necessitate several months' timui ! but early in tho new year results should j begin to flow from this endeavor. The company, wliilo not ou tho dividend list, has been shipping steadily from tho upper levols as usual, thus demonstrating how resourceful is tho property under trj-ing conditions. Daly Judge-American Plag. Among tho great mines of the camp, ono that contains a very extensive amount of rich territory is the Daly , Judge. The Dalv Judgo has been absent ab-sent from tho dividend list in 1908, but no effort has beon spared to bring the resources into shapo for realization as soon as normal conditions wero restored. re-stored. In tho Daly Judge, as stated by one export, are enormous bodies of milling grade, rock, and tho aim of tho management is to Keep sounding these bodies at bottor depth to open valuos allowing direct conBignmont to the markets. mar-kets. That this will result no ono doubts, and tho Daly Judgo has every reason to' expect as rich a grado of oro ns tho camp of Park City is famed for throughout its history. A silent but achieving organization at Park is tho American Flag company, a steady shipper of rock to the local markets. This company has a sufficient suffi-cient tonnago now blocked out to justify the erection of a milling plant, and such an accossory has beon completely financed: Until Buch timo, however, as tho propor Bystom of concentration is determined, no stop3 towards mill installation in-stallation will be taken. This company hns plenty of rich oro in sight, however, how-ever, as is attested by tho 6teady shipments ship-ments to market, but no oro is snipped other than that which development work requires to bo extracted. In 1900 this company will be heard from in no small wa3'. Jesse Knight In Camp. 1 Ono of t lie most in1crc.sl.ing pieces of work thai, has boon attempted at Park City for a lone timo is tho search for ores in the old Uintah Trcnsuro Hill I and old Creole properties, now under ono management and fathered by tho Knight -Dcrn-Androw interests. The Creolo workings afforded an ideal moans of getting into the old Treasure Tlill territory, where resources wero known to exist, and on two levels work is being pushed with vigor to bring theso rich ores to tho sur.tacc. Big results re-sults arc expected from tho Uintah TrrtiiKtirn TTJll fhirino- IQfin Tho Grasscelli Chemical company of Ohio is no treating successfully the zinc middlings from tho Daly Judgo company com-pany in tho now mill recently -whipped into gratifying operation. 'This company com-pany will bring to tho Daly Judgo strong box a snug sum of money each mouth, and it is money that the company com-pany othcrwiso would bo compelled to go without. It would appear that tho secret of troating thcso zinc ores economically has been solved nt last, and tho effect on Iho mines of Park City can not bo overestimated. Salt Lakers aro very much intorcstcd in tho work boing dono by tho Wabash; Scottish Chief, Littlo Bell, Jfcw York Bonanza and inanv othor Park City propositions which "havo been busy during du-ring tho past year, but which demand a grentor amount of effort .yet before their logical era of production arrives. It is to bo hoped that 3909 will present tho sottincr hoped for so long a time by innumerable stockholders. |