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Show Marysvale Gold Mountain Tho Marysvalo and Gold Mountain sections of Utah aro eo closoly connected con-nected geographically, and by tho fact that both aro on tho same mineral zone, that to treat of ono is to treat of both. It would bo hard to find a moro generously gener-ously mineralized country anywhero than this zone, a zouo twenty, by ten miles in extent. That tho section was appreciated at one time is evidenced by tho former days of activity when owners of properties extracted and shipped fortunes from the surface. But unwise management entered into tho situation. Owners who had found ores at a depth of 150 to 200 feet began be-gan to believo that the best method of mining was not to follow tho ore to depth, but to drive blind tunnels iu the hopes of cutting iho resources. Soveral expensive tunnels were started, and all were useless. The camp went into a decline, and overy effort ceased. At Marvsvale tho old Deer Trail company has resumed work again, a piece of work of great importance. This is one of tho great low grade gold propositions prop-ositions of tho State, and can bo made into ono of tho best paying. The property prop-erty contains over 150,000 tons of oro now blocked out. with tho chances fa-vorablo fa-vorablo for this tonnage to be greatly augmented by tho work now under way. Tho rock will range from $S to $9 per ton gold. Depth is Assured. Tho Gold Dovclopmout company is another active proposition now that gives much promise of success. This company is driving a long tunnel to tap tho main veiu at a vertical depth of 1.000 feet. This is tho vein from which has beon taken on adjoining territory ter-ritory a great deal of rich ores, and tho depth that will bo gained on the samo by tho Gold Development company com-pany should demonstrate beyond any doubt the future of this property and the entire district. The bully Boy has started work again, and it is reported that very lino gold ore is boing found. Over at Gold Mountain tho Anuio Laurio und Sevier Consolidated companies com-panies both own undoubted meritorious propositions, but it will take intelligent intelli-gent management and plenty of capital to placo them on the right sort of a paying basis. That this cau aud will be done is not doubtod for n minute in Salt Lako where the merits of each are very woll known. Tho year 1909 gives promiso of much boing dono with theso great milling properties, for both havo been in the cyo of capital long enough to be very well thought of in spito of past unfavorable conditions. Thoro naturally nre a great many other groups of clnimsj on this mineral zono that are deserving of closo attention, at-tention, and doubtless, now that gold mining has received such an impetus following the recent panic, will bo receiving re-ceiving close attention in 1909 from men of wonlth. Tho districts mentioned arc worthy of all that capital can do, and absolutely unworthy of tho present neglect to which they are being subjected. |