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Show Superfluous Hair TTtfttoa to aedeta tinaen. ft ia &f oatj denB p arfl practical -7 to toetnrj butt. Don iraatt tima cxpMlnoottoK UOia!)Ba Xr od A. rlli-tor. Ttxa cSm-lrcm ma ti BARK OED rf tb aparucr tsA wmnfiwaraa. Bnd to Ut. II UtfceBfi width UtBaradhr plJl-promirenrt plJl-promirenrt joftgaaiiie. Be Itlifti meOe. tl(id la pltln ii f m . Itr SUSL Tour aor fca vltttrct Hndteibomi kat tf H U U o 1J titctd tiase4 for- Bodiot tm, la Fa nnlM eoTle?i gsDo Ktooto Omal C. Tte. Aft, Tar tfl H f4 rtuwfl DRUBIir& FRANKIZX. 271 South JfaJn. CORSET DAY MONDAY $ 3cfb jSpecial stowing Monday of tke celebrated G. D. fflftk V" Coraets, Juntnte and Alexandra. A large shipment i jjj nas jut reacted tne utore. Expert corset fitters. jjj H II .. IIIIBII ' I 4 Ye Modern Planry" H I Plans and Executes the California Idea of I H I Apartment House and Bungalow Building I I "Wq are in a position to furnish plans and esthnntes on i apartment houses and I f bungalows to a saving of money on the building, "Wo havo our own architects, I who are versed in the construction of. artistic deaigns of apartment houses and bunga- 1 . "Iowa, embodying all the modem conveniences and ombollishmenls, including tho 1 "J Holmes Disappearing Pod, an innovation of modern building, ooutrollod exclusively I I . ( by us, I I Suggestions and estimates will bo submitted upon roqnest, I Our Real Estate Department has several good apartment houso sites. 1 I ; Utah-Holmes Disappearing Bed Company 1 321-322-323 Judge Bidg I FRANE 0, BROWN, President and-Genoral Manger, 1 DIRECTORS J. T. KEITH, J, P, GARDNER, GEORGE N, LA'WRBNOB. H. 1 J . H, HOLMES and FRANK C. BROWN, Pi H j tf I . 154 MAIN STREET J ;- ; . : 1 ' Charlton ' '''U OUTFITTERS FORC)MEN ,f lA nil 1 0 122 South Main Between FirstA trd . I " ( ' ' and Second South- I ; ' ' Our AmrncU Half -Off Sale J hi Xif ; - Suits, Coats, "t!; If t j ! Opera Coats, f A I : j ! 1 ' Capes, Ul U Ww Gowns, Dresses J j P mpW Waists, Petti- I p ; (IJliM :i IKj-" . coats and Skirts l- nsr".. j' All Go at Half -Price I J ' , .vviJ V ' V- "WITH TWO EXCEFIIOITS. 1 . f ,.' Onr special $25 Sidts aad $5 Waisls of net taSceta I j ' and messaline are not included in this sale. "We "beg I Ji ! " to call your attention especially lo our -waist sale of 1 III Cj'O-kS'-iO occas5II? 3 first time we pnt om1 1 ,w ' i 1 Vaisiii on sale this season-; our stock is very- complete. 1 Iff I i C0tSt SCll& This sale is ior cash only. No approval, no retains, lm ' Ialtionseasfollo.s: Jfl $ 8.00 Corsets now $5.00 111 S 5.00 Corsets now $3.50 nnt fS d a. 71 ml T $12.00 Corsets now $8.00 lite KuflOTltOfl SflOP ill j I : 1 122 South Main ' .The Tribme Gies Your Waits file targes! CircoIafloE, |