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Show EAST II LEOPARDS siiprasis Outclassed In every department of the game the University of Utah freshmen went down to a decisive defeat yesterd! afternoon before the East high scTbT eleven, 61 to 0. Tommy Fltzpatrick'a high school men displayed superior Individual j and team work throughout the contest and had a larger string of reserve players play-ers for substitutions. Captain Mitt Romney was the star of I the game, scoring six of the nine touch- , j downs and playing an altogether brilliant , I defensive and offensive contest. Except I for his unusual playing any of his team-l team-l males in the high school back field might ' have been given .credit for high honors. Marshall, the freshio fullback, was the 1 star for the Infants. He was the only man on that team who could gain consistently con-sistently and almost the only player who could tackle cleanly. He Was in every a play, both offensive and defensive, and was given a great deal of punishment. As a result he had to be taken out of the contest a few minutes before the end. Glen Holt, freshie center, made a game effort to live up to his reputation as a scrappy player and did so. but was handicapped handi-capped by an injured anklo sustained recently re-cently in practice. The high school supporters brought a -t donkey onto the field decorated in the .-school .-school colors and aroused much merriment merri-ment among the spectators. Lineup nnd summary: East High i 0 1 . Freahies fn). Dorius le Walker Gilmer It W h ea i ley Now ells Ig Larson Silvers c Holt Pock rg. . . . Christophci son V' Ol t ingcr rt Ramsey lorlinskl re .Stevenson Smith qb Homes M. Komnev Ih Sullivan Wv rh... Stewart Whitney. . fb Marshall Scoring: Touchdowns M. Romney, t; Smith, Oswald, Henderson. Goals from touchdown Smith, 5; Oswald, 2. Substitutions: Fast high J. Anderson for 1 orius, G. Anderson for Gorlinski, Mart In for O. Anderson, M. Romm-y tor Smith, Oswald for M. Romney, F. Kom-ney Kom-ney for Foe, Oswald for F. Jtomncy, Smith for M . Romney, M. Romney for Oswald, H"ndersn:i for Oswald. Freshmen Hem-pel Hem-pel for KoH, Giviy for Stevenyon, W'alke? for Marshall. Ofticlals: I h-foree Reddish. I.'mplr MarLhakis. Head linesman BassoU. |