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Show State Society I AMERICAN FALLS - 4 AMERICAN FALLS, Idaho, Oct. 6. Mrs. D. W. Davis and Mrs. I), B. Jeffries Jef-fries entertained the members of the Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist Episcopal church Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Davis. Misses Martha and Emma Bentz are visiting friends and relatives in Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. Homer Squires of Hevburn spent a ten- days the last of the week visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mehlhoff. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Kramlich. Misses Coral Meadows and Emma and Helen Isaak motored mo-tored to Lava Hot Springs last Sunday. Miss Caroline Bartholomew spent, a few days in the city this week- visiting friends. Miss Elsie Hyman of Paris. Idaho, is visiting her uncle, J. w. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lightner ha.ve been visiting friends irt Righy, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. McKey motored to Pocatello Sunday lo spend the day with friends from Miles City, Mont. Mrs. Dan Renke, mother of Mrs. J. P. Mehlhoff, left Wednesday for a visit with her son at Idaho Falls. Miss Mary Jones left Saturday for a weeks vacation in Malad City. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Page motored to Rupert Sunday to spend the day with friends. Edward Mehlhoff and Martha Mehlhoff Mehl-hoff of Tripp, S. D., are visiting their brother, J. P. Mehlhoff. The members of the Red Cross gave a reception Tuesday evening in honor of the boys leaving for Camp Lewis at American Lake, Wash. A programme, consisting ,of music and talks by several of the business men and dancing, furnished fur-nished the entertainment. Miss Catherine Walsh entertained about thirty of her friends at her homestead home-stead six miles west of town Wednesday evening. The guests plnyed games around the camp fire, after which supper was served. The first meeting of the Syrlnga club was hold Friday evening at the Remington Reming-ton hotel, Mrs. C. W. Thompson being hostess. There -were four invited guests and about twenty members present. Sweet peas were used in the decorations. Refreshments were served. MONROE i : AlOXIiOK, Oct. 6. The folowing rtviden ts of Monroe were Sin It Lake, visitors this week: Mr. and Mrs. L. Y. Jones, Mr. "and Mrs. S. G. Andrcason, Newell, Herbert and Joseph Andreason, Linden and Ernest Anderson, June Andrcason An-drcason and Clifford Jones. Dr. Kay Webb and Mips Lb la Fletcher, Fletch-er, both of Chicago, 111., are the guests of Mrs. Alice Webb. One of the pleasant social events of the week was given nt the Hot Springs Tuesday evening in honor of the dratted dratt-ed men of the county who left Thursday for Camp Lewis. Dancing and bathing were features of the entertainment. Dr. Parley Xielson and family of Mauti spent the week-end visiting relatives rel-atives here. Mrs. Charles Bohman entertained Wednesday in honor tf Mr?. Robert Bar-rowman Bar-rowman of Salt Lake. Mrs. Alma Majrleby entertained at a birth-lay dinner Tuesday in honor of her dau;:ht'T Klma. The rooms and t abI- were beautifully d ecu rated in a .'cior S'-jicme of white and yellow. Dinner Din-ner '.va.-i served to Mrs. Milton Magle- bv, Mrs. Kay Swam, Mrs. Harold Ma"-lehv, Ma"-lehv, ( 'h ritie Larsen. Mildred Crab(). Lthel and Verna Kri.-kson, Olive. Vera. Luitna. Marie and Del Male'oy. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riehev entertain enter-tain pj Tuesday in honor of their son Elton, who left for American Lake ' Thursday, other? present wt-ve: Mrs. j A lire W.dib, Mr. and Mrs. Thom;i Kan- i sum. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Webb, Mr.1 and Mrs. W. W. Clark. Mr. and Mrs.; June Webb. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith, j M and Mrs. Arthur Whitinc Dr. and J Mr. G::rn Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Karl i Wchh. Ray Webb and Miss tbia Fletcher. The following young men left Thursday Thurs-day for ('amp Lewis: Hansford Torgen-sen, Torgen-sen, Orrin Verynsen, Alton and Bar-dell Bar-dell Anderson. Raymond Greeerson. Elton El-ton Richey. Arr. and M rs. Frank Crenshaw left Friday for iSalt Lake. IDAHO FALLS, IDA. f i IDAHO FAIXS, Tda.no, Oct. 6. Harry Moody and Miss Manilla Hansen, daughter daugh-ter or .Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hansen, were married in .Salt lake City AWdnesday of last week, returning home and surprising surpris-ing their friends in announcing It. Mrs. C. C. Campbell, with her daughters, daugh-ters, Mrs. Joseph Bennet and Mrs. G. O. "Wriplu, entc rtained a lare number at auction bridge at the home of Mrs. Campbell Thursday and Friday vafter-nrvons. vafter-nrvons. Mrs. L. M. Earl won the high score. A two -course lunch was served at 5:30. Mrs. H. K. Linger, with the Misses Lowry, Linger and RehiKjuest, gave a unique party in honor of Miss Ethel Curley, Cur-ley, an October bride, Friday evening. It consisted of a reading of ' King Robert of Sicily," by Longfellow, given by Mrs. F. H. Churchill, with Miss Rehnquist as accompanist, Mrs. C. E. Rogers singing the chant. After the reading each guest hemmed a tea towel, a gift to Miss Curley. Cur-ley. A two-course luncheon was served at a late hour. Mrs. C. M, Cline and daughter Gretchen left Monday for Chicago. They will spend a couple of weeks with Mr. Oline's parents at Cumberland, Iowa. They also will visit at Winona, Minn,, and Indianapolis, India-napolis, Ind. Mesdames Wesley Thomas and Fred Crab tree entertained a large party of lady friends on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Thomas. After enjoying enjoy-ing games and music a delicious lunch was served. ( Mrs. George Talbot entertained a bridge party Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Bithel Curley. After cards a two-course two-course lunch was served. The color scheme was pink. Miss Mu rial Bucklin left Friday morn- i ing for Moscow, Idaho, where she will enter the State university. j Mrs. Olson, wife of Major Be Witt i Olson, left Friday morning for Char- i lotte, N. C, where Major Olson is now i stationed. Miss Venette Cutter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cutter, left Friday for. Spokane, Wash., where she will enter the university. Mrs. Walter Cloyd. formerly Miss Griffin Grif-fin of this city, visited friends here -this week and left for her home in Chicago Friday morning. Mrs. Merwin Smith entertained the Home Economics club at her home Wednesday Wed-nesday afternoon. After a short business session and Kensington a two -course lunch was served. The guests of the club were Mrs. Frank P. Ellis and Mrs. John Hubbell. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker of Fort Collins, Colo., who have been visiting with the family of their daughter, Mrs. j Gilbert Kinney, for several weeks, left I for their home on Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Roach, who has been visit-! visit-! ing friends in Seattle for several weeks, i returned home on Friday evening. Mrs. Johanna Sehneiter and daughter Marie left Friday for Boise City, Idaho, where they wilt spend the winter. Mrs. R. G. Cole, who has been visiting visit-ing friends in Boise City for several weeks, returned home on Monday. . Mrs. J. Q. Mellor returned Mondav from a visit of several days in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry, old-time residents of this city, but now of Long Beach, Cab, who have been visiting the families of their sons, Dwight and John W., for several weeks, left for their home Monday. j Mrs. Viola Sauer and two children went to Salt LaUe City on Monday for a short visit with - friends. Miss Ida Kraut of Baltimore, Mo., arrived ar-rived on Monday and will remain here, having accepted a position in one of the schools of the county. Seventy-five members of the Knights of Columbus went to Blackfoot Sunday, where they attended a church service, which wa3 followed by a banquet, arranged ar-ranged and given by the Rev. Father Gressell of that city. Mrs. Arthur Holden entertained the Ridge Avenue Bridge club on Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Ethel Curley, a bride of tho near future. After several sev-eral games of cards a delicious lunch was served, the color scheme of yellow and white being beautifully arranged. A miscellaneous mis-cellaneous shower followed, in which Miss Curley was the recipient of manv handsome hand-some gifts. Mrs. W. Bahn of Chicago, who has been visiting at the home of W. W. Keet fer for several weeks, left for" her home Monday. Miss Elizabeth Merriman, a. former resident of this city, now of Maekav Idaho, visited friends several davs this week. Charles Stahl and ' Miss Josephine Becker, both of this city, were married in Salt Lake City last week. Thev will return to this city shortly and will soon leave for Oakland, Cal,, where Mr. Stahl will join the navy. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Walsh of Denver," Colo., are guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Thomas H. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. 1 John Ban of Belton Mo., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Crumley. Mr. Bur-r is a brother of Mrs. Crumley. Lawrence Robinson and ,4liss Ernia Collett were married on Saturday at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs R. E. Collett, Probate Judge Lewis A. Lee officiating. After a few days in Salt Lake City the young couple returned and-will and-will make their home here. Mrs. T. B. Woodruff of EI Reno, Okla., who has been visiting with the family of her sister, Mrs. R. C. Harris, for two months, left for her home Wednesday. Arthur Reynolds and Miss Martha Lvdia King were married on Thursdav afternoon after-noon by Justice William E. Wheeler. They will make their home in this city. f BLACKFOOT, IDA. 4 , s BLACKFOOT, Idaho, Oct. 6. Mrs. J. B. Dellart entertained the members of the P. E. O. sisterhood with a luncheon lunch-eon Tuesday for the benefit of Red Cross work, each member giving a silver offering. The luncheon table was decorated dec-orated with autumn leaves and hows of red tulle. Asters and marigolds were used in the other rooms. Covers were laid for Mrs. J. G. Brown. Mrs F C Christ. Mrs. S W. Wilson. Mrs. Lucile Moore. Mrs. K. T. Thoreson, Mrs F C Coen, Mrs. .1. H. Early, Mrs L C Rockwood. Mrs. Grace M. Stevens Mrs E. T. Peck. Mrs. Q. Newman. Mrs' Mas-sie. Mas-sie. Mrs. R. G. Royd. Mrs. W. Cfl Craig Mis Kate Lynch, Miss Agnes Hart Miss orace Pe-k, Miss FHa Davison and Miss Helene Moore of Seattle. The hotss was assisted hy Mrs. Lucile Moore Mrs TC. T. Thoreson. Mrs. F. C Christ' Mrs J. H. Early and Mrs. S W. Wilson. After Af-ter the luncheon the business meeting was held, at which plans for Red Cross work for the winter were made. Miss Phyllis Hoover left Thursday morning for Moscow to attend the university. uni-versity. A recepl ion was given Friday evening at the high school auditorium for members mem-bers of the fnothall team of Idaho Falls. t ho played atrainst Blackfoot in the af- , " ' r ternoon. T:;e senior? and juniors w ere the hosts and hostesses. The l.adiea- Aid society of the Meth-odis; Meth-odis; church was entertained Wednesday arternoon at the home of M rs. Fred , Mines. The guild of the Episcopal church was entertained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry Giles. Mrs. Percy Jones left Thursday evening eve-ning tor Koch ester. M mn. She w a-S ac-companied ac-companied by her father. Mr. South-worth. South-worth. Mrs. C. E. Manson of Omaha. Mrs. D. Malone and Mrs. M. M. O Malley of Pocatello Po-catello were the guests tills week of Mrs. George Robethan. Mrs. F. C. Co wen and daughter. Rosemary; Rose-mary; Mrs. W. E. Fame and son. Walter; Miss' Acne.s Han and guest. Miss Helene Moore of Seattle: Miss Ruth RusMelt, Miss Nell Cransliaw and Mi.-s Gertrude Kinney spent Sunday at Lava Hot Springs. Mrs. Niel F. Boyle entertained the members of the Altar society at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. L. C. Williamson of Ogden. who has ben visiting her daughter. Mrs. VS. F. Berry man, returned home Tuesday. The general meeting of the Current !j Events club was held Monday afternoon in t he chi brooms. Mrs. P. W. Pow ers ! gave a paper on "The Meaning of Tiue : PatrioiisnV: Mrs. S. W. Wilson sans a solo and Mrs. Cecil gave a talk on "Suggestions "Sug-gestions Given by Hoover." Members of the Knights of Columbus , and their families from Idaho Falls and ' Roberts were entertained Sunday by members of the Catholic church of Black- , foot. About 200 guests were sealed at j tables, which were handsomely decorated ; with flags and red and white dahlias, for i t'ne elaborate banquet served by t lie Altar . society. After the banquet five mem- j bers were initiated into the order. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stevens. Mr. Han- ! sen. Miss Lovey Gallagan and Earl Corey motored to Lava Hot Springs to spend ; Sunday. Mrs. H. H. Wagner and children spent i the week in Salt Lake City with rela- : tives. j MissLaura Wittig has returned from an extended visit with her parents in I San Antonio, Texas. Miss Belphia Montgomery spent the . week in Ogden and Salt Lake City. Miss Alice May Roberts of Mount 1 Pleasant, Iowa, who has been visiting i in Blackfoot this week, left Wednesday I for Weiser and Gooding, where she will I resume her work of teaching. j Miss Helene Moore of Seattle, who has ' been the guest for a couple of weeks of Miss Agnes Hart, returned Wednesday to her home. Mrs. Edgar Thawn of Moore spent the week-end in Blackfoot with relatives. Mrs. R. T. Brollinger. spent the week in Ashton, the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Council. Mrs. Catherine Yanderwood of Malad is the guest of her son. H. W. Yanderwood. Mrs. F. S. Stevens spent the week in Boise, the guest of her daughter. The sewing for the Red Cross society is being done in the I. O. O. F. hall, which has kindly been donated by the lodge. Mrs. F. C. Christ has general charge of the work, with Mrs. G. H. Holbrook and Mrs. F. T. Mitchell In charge of the work on Mondav, Mrs. E. T. Thoreson and Mrs. F. - C. Christ on Tuesday. Mrs. V. F. Pike and Mrs. M. P. Ipsen on Wednesday, Wednes-day, Mrs. J. E. Good and Mrs. J. H. Anderson on Thursday and Mrs. M. L. Cherry and Mrs. George H, Hall on Fri- j day. Mrs. PJ. M. Kennedy returned Monday from a week's visit in Boise. Mre. Volney Von Bramer of Burley has been the guest this week of friends In Blackfoot. Miss Grace Peck left Thursday evening for Calgary. Alberta, Canada, to take up her work for the Chautauqua society. Miss Ida. Hamblin. state superintendent of the Royal Neighbors, was in Blackfoot Black-foot Monday and was entertained at the home of Mrs. Carrie Harris. A reception was held in her honor in the evening at the K. P, hall by the members of the Royal Neighbors. : r .Delegates from the Blackfoot lodge at-, tended .a district convention at Pocatello Poca-tello Wednesday. Among those a ttending the auto show at Idaho Falls Tuesday were Mrs. J. R. Ryan. Mrs. Blanche Eldredge. Mrs. George Robethan, Mrs. W. A. Lee, Miss Katherine Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. F. C- Christ and Mr. and Mrs. II. D. McCosham. The Sunday school board of the Methodist Meth-odist church, consisting of the teachers and officers of the Sunday school, about twenty in number, entertained the teachers teach-ers of the public, schools Tuesday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Archer. Games were enjoyed the earlier part of the evening and later refreshments were served. Buring the evening Miss Rebecca Baron and Miss Ruth Rushfelt rendered piano solos. About sixty were In attendance. at-tendance. The junior class of the high school held a party for 'their members Saturday evening eve-ning at the high school auditorium. Games were played and refreshments, were served by a committee of the juniors. A sop war. born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Davis. Miss Agnes Hart and little Mifis Rosemary Rose-mary Cpwen left Friday for a two weeks' visit with Miss Hart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hart, at Twin Falls. LOGAN t I . : . LOGAN'. Oct. 8. Oil Monday afternoon the Sorosis girlB entertained vlth a canyon paviy. They motored to Logan canyon and at the end of the afternoon's outing a ri'f' supper was served. The? ret iimed home in the evening laden with autumn leaveB. About thirty guest6 were in attendance. at-tendance. The Theta gtrlB rtotored to Jee.-op'B grove Wednesday Wed-nesday afternoon, where they served a picnic supper. sup-per. They spent the evening around the bonfire bon-fire playing various games. The Beta Deltas entertained at an attractively arranged dancing parly Thursday evening at the Blue Bird hall. Baskets of fall flowers were hung about th hall. Light refrcehmenls vere served. About thirty couples were In attendance. The Flgma Alpha fraternity entertained at a dancing party Wednesday evening at the Blue Bird hall. Blark-eyed-Susans were effectlvely gi-ouped about the ha 11. Light refreshments were served. Twenty-five couples were in attendance. Mrs. B. G. Thatcher entertained her soHal rlub Thursday. Fall flowr brightened the rooms. At the end of the afternoon's entertainment refresh- i ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. William Watson entertained at dinner Wr-dnRday in compliment lo Mi mi Jone ' Smith, who left Wednesday evening for Salt Lake for reside nr e. The table had as a rentprpii-c a crystal bowl of nwee'peas. Covers were laid for ! Bis. On Tuesday evening Miss Emma Smith and Wire Adelaide Wi Ighl entertained .at a rard party in compliment to Miss lone Smith. The rooms were decorated with autumn leavpp. At the ron elusion of thf evening's entertainment refreshments were served. Twenty guests were in attendance. The following formed a party which spent Tuesday Tues-day afternoon and evening in Logan canyon: !fA.'es Lucy Langton, Ruih Barber. Bena Peterson. Mary Thain. Wynona Wright. Louise McAlieler. Genevieve Rlrh. Genevieve Thomas. Messrs. Lee Watklns, Bertram Smith, Cyril Hammond. Oliver Edwards. Nathan Nlbley. Grant Strlngham. George Eocles. The party was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. West ley Howell. j Miss Katherine Squires was given a V iti-rii phower Wednesday gvening by Mr?. George Squire. The rooms were decorated with fall flowerr. Various Vari-ous games were played. Delightful mubiral numbers num-bers were rendered. The evening was concluded with refreshments. About twenty-five guests were. : In attendance. The teachers of the New Jersey a en demy took ' the members of the scbool on an all-day plruic ' Tuesday in providence canyon. j The V. A- C. Woman's rib met Monday aftr- ! noon with Mrs. George R. Hill. Mrs. George j Herbert Champ read "Obstacles to Peace" by Mr-dure. Mr-dure. The hruieps eerved tea. The Delta Nu gave a stag party at the fraternity fra-ternity house Saturday evening. Fall foliage and : autumn leaves were about the moms. The even- I ir.g was concluded "hh refreshment. Befildes the regular house members, twenty guests were u- I eluded. Tuesday evening at the Blue Bird hall the mrm- I hers of the Commercial Boe-Blers' rlub entertained : at an elaborately appointed dinner in compliment to the boK who left Wednesday for the training camp at American Lake. ""rytal baskel of roses formed crnterpiecefi for the long table. Covers were laid for about thirty. Mra. J. R. Morton entertained at a children's j party Thursday in obpervarK-e of the Wrfhday an- I niversary of her little eon. Tom. Fall flowers were about the rooms. Various game were played, with refreshments following. About twenty gucsta were In attendance. The B. Y. C. student body'wil dispense, with a number of their annual scheduled socials of the school year in order to buy liberty bonds. On Wednesday afternoon the biology class of the B. T. C. enjoyed a hike to the foothills. The members of the Delta Pi dub were entertained enter-tained Saturday by Mies Georgia Turner. Baskets of fall flowers were about the rooroi. In the early afternoon two tables were arranged for "50"." and Ht the conclusion of tho games refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunbar celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Firda evening at a family supper wtlh a aoctal evening following. follow-ing. The cupper table was decoiated with sweet-peas. sweet-peas. Covers were laid for about thirty. Following Follow-ing the supper, a delightful musical programme was rendered. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson went to Salt Lake Thursday for a few days' stay. Tbey are guests at the Hotel t'tah. Mr?, William Wateon went to filt Lake Thursday Thurs-day afternoon for a few days' vUu fdth Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Swvens. Pre.ident and Mre, F. F. Ballif went to Salt Like Thursday to attend conference. Mr. and Mr?. Easton CarllelP returned Thursday to their home at Streveii. after a week's visit hwe es gueaLa of Mr. and Mtf. H. J. Carlisle. Mifs Virginia Meehe Is spending tha week-end at Frseton. Miss B?&sie Maughan went' to a!t Lake Friday to spend a few days. Mr. and Mr. C. Ehepard of "vTatertowTi. X. Y.. arrived las.t Faturdav and are vl fit ins Mr. and Mre. E. C. Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Hudson arrived home Wednesday Wed-nesday from a two week' stay In Salt Lake. M iss Mildred Pond of Lewlstnn. who St attending attend-ing school at the B. Y. C will eriend the weekend week-end In Salt Lako. Mi Barbara Maughan went to Salt Lake Friday, where 6he will visit until Sunday. "ffr.- and Mrs. A. H. Thompson and dauqlnrp. Misses Elsa Rod Helen, and little son. a'-.-oni-panled by Mis? Moore of the New Jersey acadelnv. motored to Hot fpringe last Sunday, where they spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. NaUbltt, Mi.s Louifa Barber Bar-ber and Ray HorqT motored to Preston Sunday and pent the day s guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hendriekson went to Salt Lake Wednesday for a week's stay. Mrs. Julius JarobBen and daughter. Miss Lettie. spent last week-end In Salt Laito Tfchtng with Misa La Rue Jaeobsen. who If attending St. Mar"s academy. Mrs. William Moses left Friday for Indianapolis, Where phe will Join her husband, who Is at. tending jrhonl there. Mr. nnd Mre. sf. Z. Stewart went to Salt Lake Tuesday to attend conference. Mrs. Mary E. Smith is in Salt Lake fnr a ten day?' stay. Mi?s Irene .Inrdine of Clarkston ta here for a week's visit with relatives. Mrs. Ralph Mltrhell of -Salt l,ake I vipitlue , here as a guest of Mrs. I. s. Smith. Mrs. Clyde Sou iron and rhMd-en departed Monday Mon-day for their home In New York, after au ex tended stay here with Mrs. Squire's' .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eliason. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pedereon are spending V A week-end in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. 3. E. Necdham arrived TuCfedPT from a few days' visit in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Howell went to Salt Lak" Thursday for a week's stay. They are gueet; at the IIo;el U'ah. President K. G. Petenon of the V. A- C. arrived ar-rived Monday from Urbana, 111. 1 Mrs. Lucy S. Cardon went to Salt Lake Tue day for a visit. - Mr. and Mrj. J. A. McAllister are at Fott Douglas visiting wirh Lieu'tmant and Mia. Hubert Hub-ert Binford. Mr. and Mrs, John U Coburn spent the latter part of the week In Salt Like. Mr. and Mrp. George R. Hilt went to Salt Liko this week -end to attend the fair. Miss Mae Hansen went to Salt Late Thured?-I Thured?-I for a few days' stay. M ! Mi?s Lydia Han?eti and Miss Grace Turner I to Tremontnn Saturday to attend a plunge par; j given by Miss Ada Ilarea at the Hot Spring. |