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Show S NEW MEN CERTIFIED FOR NATIONAL ARMY The rHstrirt hoard yesterday certifier! certi-fier! eight men for the new national armv to the lo.ral boards, leaving fifty I three vet necessary to complete the state's' quota of 2(i07 men. In the consideration of appeal cases j inhibited on the part of the covcru- ; inent the board affirmed seventy-nine I eases decided hv the Weber comity lo-I lo-I eal hoard, thirteen by the (Ipden board , ! and seventy-five l.y the Salt Lake City board No." 2. Seven cases frum Utah conntv Tvoro reversed. Lafayette 11.". nchet t , secretary of the 'district, board, will leave today tor a j vacation at l.inl" Zioa an'l during his I absrlo-e of aivM! ,.n r!a the distrirt |