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Show YOU ARE PARTLY MADE OF IRON That is, iron is an f-spntial constituent constitu-ent of pure, healthy blo-'d. ivptiron, rhe new iron ton io, nom-bines nom-bines pepsin, iron, nux, '-fiery and other blood and stomach tonics that physicians physi-cians prescribe. It is a wonderful corrective of anemia, ane-mia, paleness, languor, nervousness whether canyed by hard work, worries over-use of salts and other blood-depleting cafha rt ics that aro doincj so inu.-h harm to many people just now ur anv other cause. Peptiron will restore re-store the iron strength that you must hare for cheerful performance of daily duties, Peptiron is in convenient pill form, choeolato-conted and pleasant to take. ; Get it today. (Advertisement) "Tell lie Kew to Be Beautiful" Get Rid of All Pimples, Blackheads Black-heads and Skin Eruptions. Purify the Blood With Stuart's Stu-art's Calcium Wafers. TRIAL PACKAGE MAILED FREE. kf ' Vf r Stuart s Calcium Wafers Surely Do Give a Lovely Complexion. The reason . why Stuart's Calcium Waters beautify the skin is their natural nat-ural tendency to seek the surface. The wonderful calcium sulfide is one of the natural constituents of the human body. You must have it to be healthy. It enriches the blood, invigorates skin hea.lt h. dries up the pimples and boils, eczema and blotches, enables new skin io:' ii:.e textur"! to form and bc-come cb.:ar, J pinkish, smr.ot.Ii ;is velvet and refined to .Hie point of loveliness and beauty. Tills .is "how to bo beautiful." Stop using i-reams, lo'ions, powders and bleaches whi'-ii r-ertly hide for the moment. Get a Gli -cent box of Stuart's Calcium Wafers at any drue store today. And if you wi.h to give them a trial send tho coupon below. Free Trial Coupon F. A. Stuart Co., 19 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Send me once, by return mail, a freo trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. I Name ; Street City stnto I I Doctor Says "?3sal Treatment UNPARALLELED for Ail Orink or rug Users" A physician who lias sent several sev-eral patients to the "NEAIj WAY'' writes: "I never hp.d a patient who returned re-turned to tho use of Drink or j Drugs. I consider the efficacy of the Neal Three-day Treatment UNPARALLELED." 1 ( Advert l.s'emfint.) W-J dx take the i ' vlstf-''' t ' ' :f ' : REM0VE THE BODY . ' ; T.1 . . U Smiih Form-a-Trvck- - MSM f III Bl g( J 1 181ilSI8Mffi . &0W S ATTACH AS DIRECTED AXI&.0m0$jk fjO?f0 f YOU HAVE THE MOST f V EFFICIENT 1-TON TRVCK ". ff!7 P055IBLE TO PRODUCE teglpSstlSP 'MSM0MWM0 ' The"0'' of a truck that ovsr 30,000 of the big- Nv ' gest, most exacting corporations, business houses .J 'M&0fi0f and meriants in the country are using a truck ' ' . f Y$Mfr'l -" that everywhere is doing the work of trucks cost- ;yX- ' :V'.vi ing three to five times as much, and doing it with ':y'-': k 'iiMMik0''fy :-'V':.:? greater efficiency at lower cost and with more t 1 $0 general satisfaction. , S$M;SSJttlSIS'! Armour & Co., the Standard Oil Company, the ?itts- t., ''! ' 'bmg Plate Glass Company, Schlitz Brewing Company, 'v-Vjv: t liMfefetS y ' '. Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, Montgomery i ,0 Ward & Co., these and many other national concerns op- "-'.vy.v '.-, ; '' ;J erate fleets of Smith Form-a-Trucks. - V.V; - 'Jclyfijfjllc: And right here in this state there are hundreds of Smith Form-a- ' !.;:V;. 'S'M:'r f yA ''i'--.'- Trucks in successful operation ;..! V;i v.'.--, -- i-f 'V Eedinan Fireproof Storage company, Independent Ice company, Auerloach VA" :' 4 n 1 j ' & Granite Lumber company, Tiutic Standard Mining company, United ','.'.'.';' ' k ,- ji jj'sji'; States Stores company, Crescent Ice Cream company, Buehler-Crawford Fur- "' . ' t '. 'li---'- niture compr.ny, Capell Salt company, Vienna Bakery, Tyng Warehouse, Eock '"V;'.'i ;""( C--!'". ' ,.:;r;-:;iy-'i) '.'..':': , Springs Coal company, Garfield; Crawford Furniture, Husler's Milling & --.i ,,?l-.- .j;;;-t: '- ' Elevator company, Miller-Cahoon company. ".'' . ' r, ' ' i '.'.'V' $-'f-fi$k$??-&& All you need to add to the car you have, ia a SMITH FORM-A-TRUCK (and ' ... 'j-'Vr ;V-6'ir;:-' v.j'; '. .' right there is one of the big factors of the success of the Smith Form-a-Truck) . ' t'SKCxE? the UNIVEESAY ATTACHMENTS with -which it is supplied make it pos- ".". 3 !.-!:: . - ?r t'-.V A-K''-"hte?-'iiAfc sible to convert ANY car into an economical, highly efficient, money-making '"'I '-i ':;r'4t- ono-ton truck. .,:: ,v:;iV:-,;:i:'''1!'V-i , The Smith Form-a-Truck carries practically 90 per cent of the load on the rear '. ' ' f ,;',:'Vvi'v;-tVV .' I'-; wheels. The front w'heels carry no more weight than they would were the car ' - " S tl''l:r''''-''-:':'Zf!-: ' chassis equipped as a touring car. ' ;' :. t-.-' . '-'-.'-.i r,."?'v'''.'?'j''v.V. ' ' : V,f" ;:4-r: rt? '' The frame of the Smith Form-a-Truck attachment is built with four-inch chan- ' 'r ' " ' ': t-,!:SiB nel rolled steel, and is securely riveted to the car frame immediately behind the ':''''' .'"f '. a ,- It&ir tff .tV'Y ' ' fHy-.',9?'S radiator. The original car frame acts as a sturdy reinforcement. '. , A H NS .. You Can Get ja Complete New Unit - 0. ' v';'- i i 11 1'.' p , ' Thousands of concerns and individuals operating Smith Form-a-Trucks have Ltivv'-'-: ?4 lli' M Ky' Et'A vV'''i3'.'- ordered new low-priced passenger cars and immediately upon their delivery "'...'. 1 .... iVvi- fc'i -?J i-H feH'SA' 'iKSr'.' tnrned them over for us to convert into one-ton trucks with Smith Form-a- ' '' -i5' 'V.' . . WMSI THE PRICE IS $350 . -i A xf, ":'f. rCJfe'"':?'. '' Tho price of the Smith Form-a-Truck is 350, f. o. b. Chicago. .V;-.'; .'.'!:. v'!: )'' Vf;.;: ES'-SC'fti'!'4 Freight and installation charges are light. '' " e.- viJ''vV" V ' y'iFt)'''! Eight cents a ton per mile Is the 'average hauling cost, established by thousands '' Y77- v CV" 0 '" of users of Smith Form-a-Trucks throughout the United States. '.';'.' -t' ; ' '': ti'.XfM f ?k ;''fi:l K' r''k v''"'-'' We can make immediate delivery on Smith Form-a-Trucks. Come in and see ' ' ' ;r,V'5 l r v:-v' a k'tyfyjl fJ EifK ' "V I for yourself how simple is the process and how successful the result of tras- . .' -. .. '''yi f-.'t-A "ta'is' M Kl-'-i k r--'A ''-'. forming your pleasure car into a remarkably strong and economical on---ton . -'!' -i li'ii.'.X AA ttW;i JfJJ:'-'-'' truck by means of the SMITH FORM-A-TRUCK and its UNIVERSAL AT . 'tfH m)'& :. tachments. . -yr. i . , ' ' " ?; MOTOR TRUCE AND TRACTOR C0.$3 .r & 33 w. 4th south St. : r-'.- : : -r's: j,.,,..,,,-. :f r,1.,lfe-4v' til:' -v. salt Lako cut, Utah. -ii . I it J "! 'C--V rTTr-i-4V". .V-Jfc Telephone Wasatch 7640. y V.::J' . -?.' i,vii-:;-..'' v .'' Dealers Phone, wire or write today. yy; .: :Zf' ' : '':.'; ' ' : 1 m fill IkWI $W$Slm0mS a |