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Show KISSELKAR FOR KATHERINE j i ' v i ' V" r " ' j t. r - x f , - V i . P. T. V',v-; v-.;; .J rJrF -wv,m ! , f- (f t y "" - a c i '; - - v , ' ; 1 , v - " - i "Uncle Sam's Girl," the Orpheura favorite tliis week,' has driven many cars, but always prefers KisselKar. The pictures show the Orpheum's dainty headliner delightfully posed with KisselKar coupe. A trip out tiirough the driveways of Liberty jiark, up over the city's famous ''east bench'' and through i'ort Douglas, Doug-las, skirting the brow or! the Wasatch mountains via the Wasatch boulevard and then returning to tlie city down through the picturesque windings of City Creek canyon is not a trip that is found in any "sightseeing car' schedule for tlie' ordinary summer tourist tour-ist but such a trip was the one enjoyed en-joyed by Miss Katherine- Murray last week as the guest of the inter-Momi-tain Motor Car company, local distributors distrib-utors of KisselKars. And never did a sightseer drink in the beauties of the western scenery with more enthusiasm or appreciation than did Miss Murray, who is a devout worshiper at the shrine of Nature and upon whom is not wasted the majestic beauty of a single crag or tho delicate tracery of autumn's paint brush upon the maple leaves and what season could be more charming charm-ing to the nature lover than Salt Lake 's golden Indian summer! It happened thi3 way: Miss Murray is a KisselKar owner when she is at home and she is a KisselKar user when she is on the road. When Miss Murray Mur-ray arrived in Salt Lake (. ' i ty last Wednesday noon word had gone ahead to have a KisselKar ready for her. This word came to the Salt Lake Kissel- j Kar offices and manager W. U. White, j who was, at that time, busy selecting : the company 's newest models of all- j year cars to send out to the state fair -exhibit, reserved a "hundred-point six" coupe for Miss Murray 's use when ! she arrived in Zion. . The car was : washed, tilled with gasoline and when j Miss Murray arrived for rehearsal at ! the Orpheum at 2 o'clock Wednesday1 afternoon the car was waiting for her ; at the stago entrance. ' ; "I am delighted to be in Salt Lake City. I have never been west before, " exclaimed Miss Murray after her first sightseeing trip Wednesday afternoon. ''The city is beautiful! The air is glorious glo-rious and, oh, how I love the pure, sparkling water that flows down those canyon streams. Indeed, I will make the most of my stay here by driving the Kissel cuupe from early until late. Although I am a stranger in the city, no. matter where ' I am, I always feel at home in a KisselKar. I have learned to relv upon the Kissel as 1 would upon a faithful horse. This faith, I will add, has never been shaken by the Kissel, although I have driven many cars of this make." Miss Murray, who has been rightfully rightful-ly termed "Uncle Sam's girl," has just entered vaudeville after playing in several sev-eral musical comedies. Singing all exclusive numbers, wonderful won-derful IV costumed and carrying probably prob-ably the prettiest futuristic type scenic sets ever built for vaudeville. Miss Murray stands foremost among the single sin-gle women of high-class vaudeville. Miss Murray was accompanied on her Wednesday nf tern on sightseeing trip by Mr. Murray Kubens, an exceptionally talented accompanist and soloist, who accompanies her at the piano. |